
时间:2023-02-06 09:10:02 晓怡 英语词汇 我要投稿
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  中考英语词汇运用复习试题及答案参考 篇1


  1.Collecting stamps is one of my h________(爱好).

  2.If you want to sell your p________(产品),you must advertise it.

  3.My favorite subject at school is s________(科学).

  4.The copy of Evangeline has many h________(有帮助的) notes at the back.

  5.Have you ever e________(经历)such kind of embarrassing situation.

  6.We p________(种植)lots of trees around the school last month.Now they grow well.

  7.Xinjiang food t________(尝起来)delicious.Most people like eating.

  8.Please be c________(小心的)when you cross the street.

  9.It's very dangerous to d________(驾驭)after you drink wine.

  10.If your dream comes t________(真的),you must be happy.

  11.Leo has no sisters or brothers.He is the o________(只,仅仅)child in his family.

  12.Thank you very much for i________(邀请)me to your birthday party.

  13.Chinese people are supposed to shake h________(手)when they meet for the first time.

  14.There is little time left.We have to walk q________(迅速地)to get there on time.

  15.October is the t________(第十)month in a year.

  16.Ted is so b________(忙的)that he has no time to watch TV in the evenings.

  17.I can't understand what you said.Please speak more s________(慢地).

  18.It is very cold and snowy in D________(十二月)in Harbin every year.

  19.Mary likes reading very much.She often borrows some books from the l________(图书馆).

  20.Many people like Wang Fei's songs because she has a sweet v________(声音).

  21.Do you know the c________(首都)of America?

  22.It's not s________(令人惊讶的.)that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year.

  23.My little brother is fond of making all kinds of plane m________(模型).

  24.This is the f________(第五)letter she has received this week.

  25.I can't find the exact words to d________(描述)her beauty.

  26.Mary likes telling jokes.She is really a f________(有趣的) girl.

  27.He n________(点头)to me in greeting when I entered the room.

  28.We are very p________(自豪)that a pupil from our school has won the prize.

  29.They all hurried u________(往楼上)to see what was going on.

  30.There was s________(沉默)for a moment and then someone made a useful suggestion. 中考英语词汇运用复习试题答案


  1.free 2.voice 3.saves 4.list 5.knock


  1.gift 2.polite 3.joined 4.skills 5.paper


  1.safe 2.chalk 3.strict 4.invited 5carry


  1.patient 2.teeth 3.kept 4.lazy

  5.influenced 6.improved 7.repairing 8.correct

  9.friendship 10.mistakes 11.work 12.interested

  13.prevent 14.address 15.population 16.parts 17.tomatoes

  18.telling 19.running 20.stopped 21.dream 22.secret 23.promised 24.improve

  25.waste 26.wants 27.named 28.ticket 29.taken 30.Listening

  中考英语词汇运用复习试题及答案参考 篇2

  1. It made everybody l________________.

  2. How many lessons had you l_______________ by the end of last month?

  3. I think it’s the l_______________ beautiful of all the flowers. I don’t like it.

  4. Where is Tom? He has l___________________ for Hong Kong on business.

  5. Where is the post office? Is it on the right or on the l________________?

  6. How many l________________ are there of a chair?

  7. ---May I borrow your bike? ---Sorry. I l_________________ it to Tim just now.

  8. ---Can you tell me how long the road is? ---The l___________of the road is 400 kilometers.

  9. ---This book is the cheapest of the three. ---It is l___________expensive than the other two.

  10. As soon as he comes back, I’ll l_____________ you know. OK?


  1. laugh 2. learned 3. least 4. left 5. left 6. legs 7. lent 8. length 9. less 10. let

  中考英语词汇运用复习试题及答案参考 篇3


  (1)The building is 200 meters______ height.

  (2)Make a healthy living plan and try to hold on _____ it no matter what happens.

  答案:in to

  2、用high / highly / height填空

  The teacher speaks/thinks_______of this student, who is of medium ________, likes speaking English in a ________ voice and jumps ______ than any other student.

  答案:highly height high higher


  (1)The 2008 Olympic Games were______ in Beijing.

  (2)_______ , please. Mr. Zhang is coming soon.

  (3)The girl looked sad, ________. Her mother died three days ago.

  (4)As a champion(冠军)in the last Olympic Games, he _______ in running.

  (5)Help! Help! ______that thief. He stole my wallet.

  (6)If you know the answer, please _____ your hand.

  答案:(1)held (2)Hold on (3)holding back her mothers

  (4)held/holds the world record (5)Get hold of

  (6)hold up


  It’s very important to dream, so _______ on to your dreams. One day, the may just come true.

  A. hold B. holding C. to hold D. held


  中考英语词汇运用复习试题及答案参考 篇4

  1. Let's go to__________(一家) Chinese restaurant.

  2. My elder brother is _______ (一个) university student.

  3. The poor old man is _________ (一个) honest person.

  4. The foreign visitors will be ___________(能) to come tomorrow.

  5. Later a neighbour told me __________ (关于) him.

  6. Today there are _________(大约) 900,000 people in this city.

  7. The planes were flying ____________ (在…上) the clouds.

  8. __________ _______ (据…说) Peter, she’s a really good teacher.

  9. Mr Li is going to swim __________ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.

  10. ____________(行动) are more important than words.

  11. If you _________ 4 to 3 you get 7.

  12. Do you know his home ______________(住址).

  13. I am ___________(恐怕) you are wrong about that.

  14. Don't be ___________ _________ (怕) the dog.

  15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _________(…以后) dark.

  16. I'll call him __________(…以后) I get to the school.

  17. There will be a meeting _______ ______________ (今天下午).

  18. The singer sang the song _________ ________ ____________(一遍又一遍).

  19. Please put the ladder _____________(靠在) the wall.

  20. I haven't seen her for a______________ (很长时间).

  11. add 12. address 13. afraid 14. afraid of 15. after 16. after 17. this afternoon

  18. again and again 19. against 20. ages

  21. A short while __________(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.

  22. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker’s idea.

  23. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker.

  24. Birds fly in the _____________ (空中).

  25. My parents bought three _________________ (空调机).

  26. The road is_________(全) covered with snow.

  27. Hurry up! It's_____________(差不多) time for school.

  28. The old lady was ____________ (独自) in the house.

  29. We went for a walk ___________(沿着) the river.

  30. She had _____________(已经) gone when I arrived.

  31. ________________(虽然) they are poor the children are happy.

  32. The United States of A_____________ is a big country.

  33. Can you lend me 2,000 ______________ __________ (美元)?

  34. They live _______________(在…之中) the mountains.

  35. She read for an hour ____________(然后) went to bed.

  36. I came home late and my mother was _____________(生气).

  37. The forest is full of wild _______________(动物).

  38. I don't like this book, give me ____________ (另外) one.

  39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody ______________(接).

  40. He is taller than __________ (任何) other boys in his class.

  41. Is there ____________(人) in the room?

  41. Is there _____________ (什么东西) in that box? 在那盒子里有吗?

  42. You can go___________ (任何地方) you like.

  43. I have come to _____________ _________(道歉) you.

  44. ______ _________(苹果) a day keeps the doctor away.

  45. ____________ the first is Fools' Day.

  46. There must be something wrong with my left ________ (臂).

  47. They look ___________ (四周) but Mary is already gone.

  48. The plane _________ ________ (到达) New York at last.

  49. The girl is an _____________ (学美术的) student.

  50. The children are reading an ____________(文章) about a famous doctor.

  51. She works in the same building _________ my sister.

  52. He works __________ a driver.

  53. Then the secretary ___________(问) the lady if she was a relative of the manager.

  54. A red bus is stopping ____________(在) the bus stop.

  55. Give your whole _______________ ________(注意力) what you are doing.

  56. The eighth month of the year is _____________.

  57. _____________(姨母) Lena has just left for America.

  58. The season of the year between summer and winter is _______________.

  59. The city is miles __________________(以外).

  60. Some ______________ (婴儿) cry during the night.

  61. She sat at the ______________(后面) of the hall and couldn't hear clearly.

  62. Smoking is ______________(有害) for your health.

  63. Where is my school ____________(包).

  64. The earth looks like a ____________ (球) from space.

  65. Do you like ______________(香蕉)?

  66. Some people on the _________________ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat.

  67. There is a People’s __________ (银行) of China near my home.

  68. The young man likes singing in the _________________ (浴室).

  69. Don’t __________ late for school again.

  70. In the end, I could not _____________(忍受) it.

  71. We are now living in a ______________ (美丽) new house in the country.

  72. _____________(因为) he is tired, he does not want to go with us.

  73. His youngest daughter _______ ____________ (已成为) a doctor.

  74. You should make your ____________ (床) before you go to school.

  75. They have a large ________________ (卧室).

  76. ____________(在…前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.

  77. After running half a kilometer, I_______________(开始) to feel tired.

  78. A young man and a young woman were sitting _____________ (在后面) me.

  79. You can't _____________ (相信) anything she says.

  80. The _____________(铃) has just rung.

  81. The house ____________ _____ (属于) our family for a long time.

  82. The thief needs a ______________ (腰带) to keep up his trousers.

  83. The coach is sitting on a ___________ (长凳).

  84. The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along ____________ (在…旁边) it.

  85. I like this film ____________ (最).

  86. The police arrived ________________ (之间) 6 and 7 last night.

  87. How _____________(大) is the school you go to?

  88. The students often go to school ___________ ___________ (骑自行车).

  89. Can you kill 2 _____________(鸟) with one stone?

  90. Let me wish you a happy _____________(生日).

  91. The dog has _____________(咬) a hole in my trousers.

  92. The boy had a _______________(青黑色) eye after the fight.。

  93. There is a national flag above the __________________(黑板).

  94. ____________ (血) is thicker than water.

  95. The wind has _______________(吹) my hat off.

  96. The woman _______ _________ (穿蓝色衣服) is my mother.

  97. Are you going __________ ___________ (搭船) or by air?

  98. Peter ________________ (烧开了) the kettle.。

  99. The hotel is fully _______________ (预定) up.

  100. He lost his book and __________________ (借) one from another boy.

  101. ______________ New York and London have traffic problems.


  1. a 2. a 3. an 4. able 5. about 6. about 7. above 8. According to 9. across 10. Actions

  21. ago 22. agreed to 23. agreed with 24. air 25. air-conditioner 26. all 27. almost 28. alone

  29. along 30. already

  31. Although 32. America 33. American dollars 34. among 35. and 36. angry 37. animals

  38. another 39. answered 40. any

  41. anything 42. anywhere 43. apologize to 44. An apple 45. April 46. arm 47. around

  48. arrived in 49. art 50. article

  51. as 52. as 53. asked 54. at 55. attention to 56. August 57. Aunt 58. autumn

  59. away 60. babies

  61. back 62. bad 63. bag 64. ball 65. bananas 66. bank 67. Bank 68. bathroom

  69. be 70. bear

  71. beautiful 72. because 73. has become 74. bed 75. bedroom 76. Before 77. began

  78. behind 79. believe 80. bell

  81. belongs to 82. belt 83. bench 84. beside 85. best 86. between 87. big

  88. by bike 89. birds 90. birthday

  91. bitten 92. black 93. blackboard 94. Blood 95. blown 96. in blue 97. by boat

  98. boiled 99. booked 100. borrowed 101. Both

  中考英语词汇运用复习试题及答案参考 篇5


  Everyone hopes _____ success. (名词,成功)


  I wish ______(send) some roses to that girl and wish her ______ (accept) my flowers


  A. show interest in

  B. take an interest in

  C. lose interest in

  (1) All the students ______how to solve the math problem which is very interesting.

  (2) His poor memory makes him ______ in English.

  (3) As a clever student, he ____ physics all the time.

  A. knock(ed)... off..

  B. knocked into

  C. Knocked at/on

  D. knocked out

  (1) If you ______10%_______ the bill (账目,款项),I will take it.

  (2) Last night, a stranger ______ the door and I was frightened (害怕) and screamed (尖叫).

  (3) The police officer was __________ by a thief in the fight, and he hasen’t waken up by now.

  (4) Last night, he drove his car and ______ a post (杆子), but luckily, he didn’t get hurt.


  (1) My father ______me to be a scientist and _____me success in the future.

  A. hopes; wishes B. wishes; wishes

  C. hopes; hopes D. wishes; hopes

  (2) I hope_______in passing the test.

  A. he will succeed

  B. him to succeed

  C. him succeed

  D. he succeed



  2、to send to accept











