


  a 一直渴望学习并且有很出人预料的新鲜的想法,这些想法反映了他的原创和潜在的能力。 我认为他的天分来自于宽广的知识面。我注意到他经常去图书馆……更多的可推荐的,他展示了一种强大的内在驱动力对于证实自己和对自己成就的永不满足。认识到计算机技术的重要性,他获得了b的认证在他的业余时间内。由于他对英文的熟练,我很有信心,因为他在cet和很多英语选修课中做的很好。




标签:推荐信 时间:2022-08-22
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】







标签:推荐信 时间:2022-07-08
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】












标签:推荐信 时间:2021-05-05
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  It gives me a great pleasure to recommend Miss XXX, one of my favorite students, for admission into your graduate program.

  During academic year XXXX-XXXX, Miss X was a student in our Department, XX University of Techonlogy. In her fourth year study, I found her very diligent and intelligent. She also often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to community affairs. And the most improtant tings is she has very strong rational analysis capability.

  Though Miss X graduated from this college 1 years ago, she keeps contact with me very often. Worthy of mention also is her personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.


标签:推荐信 时间:2021-05-03
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】

Dear Sir,

  Mr. XXX wishes to continue his study at your college. As his teacher, I am willing to offer myself as his reference.

  Mr. XXX studied in my class for two courses, “High temperature Mechanics” and “ Physical properties of Materials”. His performance in the courses is out of the ordinary. He rarely took notes. Sometimes he showed loosing patience to attend the lecture and read other books. But in discussion periods, he was one of the most inquisitive and vocal students. His comments showed great power in grasping fundamental theories of the subject and applying them creatively. In the laboratory, he always completed the experiments most quickly and excellently. Through my talking with him, I noted that he paid attention to overall view rather than minor details and he has a sound background knowledge in the subject through additional reading. For example, I often meet him in the library reviewing the latest publications from international periodicals. I think these distinguished him from others. At the semester final, he achieved excellent scores, and in most of them, he got the first.


标签:推荐信 时间:2021-04-28
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】


  无论是申英国还是美澳院校,留学文书最重要的部分都包括PS (Personal Statement) 个人陈述和RL (Reference Letter)推荐信。PS当然是自己写,RL通常需要大学教授出具。能为自己争取一份言辞恳切、内容详实的推荐信无疑可以为自己的申请加分。

  我一共向这学期教我课的3位老师提出写推荐信的请求,分别是实践课Student Campus TV, 经济英语和德英翻译。最后的结果是拿到了两封,其中一封符合申请要求,也让自己满意。下面先以最终成功的来自德英翻译课老师的推荐信为例,一步步讲讲从提出请求到获得推荐信的过程;然后我也会总结一下另两次尝试不够成功的原因。

  Step 1:提出请求


  邮件标题:Recommendation for [Your Name]



标签:推荐信 时间:2021-04-24
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】

Dear Sir or Madam,

  Thank you for reading this recommendation Letter. I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. XXX, one of my most enthusiastic Chinese students to join in your program and pursue further research.

  Being a former teacher for two courses of him, I have known Mr. X for more than 2 years. Mr. X, as I concerned, is really a hardworking student and a promising young scholar with great motivation to aspire after higher learning. His creativity and spirit of persistent exploration also give me deep impression. He always proposed new ideas on his study and could resolve problems by himself. During the design of a training program in May, 2009, I remembered clearly that he was the only person who had considered the inner different characteristic from the figures who reflected the current society situation, a key factor in the implementation of the program. His attention on particular circumstance gave him a much broader horizon to develop a creative thought, which in turn deepen his understanding of each kind of English article. Actually, Mr. X and I are keeping in touch because of academic research, now. Maybe he is not the most talented student but I can say he is the most industrious young person, I have met.


标签:综合指导 时间:2021-02-02
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 综合指导】


to whom it may concern:

as associate professor of the department of life science & engineering at harbin institute of technology (hit), one of the top ten universities in china, i am very pleased to recommend huang zaixing as a worthy candidate for admission into your distinguished postgraduate program.

i knew mr. huang when he came into hit as a freshman and took the zoology & experiment, which is one of the courses that i taught in my department three years ago. later, at the spring semester of the 2001-2002 academic year, he took my course of zoophysiology & experiment. mr. huang has a brilliant academic score. he consistently ranked top ten in his grade during the four years of undergraduate studies. as a quick and active learner, he was excellent in many subjects as far as i know. for example, in the tutorial class of experiment, he anatomized the specimen accurately and rapidly. i also heard that while most students tend to probe teachers with endless inquires about the exams before the finals he seemed to be more concerned about getting the knowledge of each course without regarding the exams.


标签:留学专业 时间:2020-12-26
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 留学专业】

dear sir or madam,

  thank you for reading this recommendation letter. i take great pleasure in recommending mr. xxx, one of my most enthusiastic chinese students to join in your program and pursue further research.

  being a former teacher for two courses of him, i have known mr. x for more than 2 years. mr. x, as i concerned, is really a hardworking student and a promising young scholar with great motivation to aspire after higher learning. his creativity and spirit of persistent exploration also give me deep impression. he always proposed new ideas on his study and could resolve problems by himself. during the design of a training program in may, xxxx, i remembered clearly that he was the only person who had considered the inner different characteristic from the figures who reflected the current society situation, a key factor in the implementation of the program. his attention on particular circumstance gave him a much broader horizon to develop a creative thought, which in turn deepen his understanding of each kind of english article. actually, mr. x and i are keeping in touch because of academic research, now. maybe he is not the most talented student but i can say he is the most industrious young person, i have met.

留学教授推荐信 范文

标签:推荐信 时间:2020-12-19
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 推荐信】

  很荣幸推荐作为一名我们系杰出学生的A。 我是他在大学期间的教授和指导老师。


  A 一直渴望学习并且有很出人预料的新鲜的想法,这些想法反映了他的原创和潜在的能力。 我认为他的天分来自于宽广的知识面。我注意到他经常去图书馆……更多的可推荐的,他展示了一种强大的内在驱动力对于证实自己和对自己成就的永不满足。认识到计算机技术的重要性,他获得了B的认证在他的业余时间内。由于他对英文的熟练,我很有信心,因为他在CET和很多英语选修课中做的很好。





标签:留学国家 时间:2020-12-14
【yingjiesheng.weiyujianbao.cn - 留学国家】



To Whom It May Concern:

  This letter provides me the opportunity to recommend my Assistant Director, Jennifer Alistair, for the position of Library Director at the Main Library in the Farris County, Colorado Public Library System.

  Jennifer came to us upon finishing her Master of Library Science degree and first worked as a Reference Librarian. After three years she was promoted to Assistant Director, a position she has performed well in.

  With her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Jennifer has been invaluable as we have transitioned to a digital environment.