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  When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil, therefore turning into evidence of things that once lived.

  A thereby B as a result of C so D in the end


  【答案解析】Therefore 和 thereby 均为副词,表“因此”,但 therefore 后通常跟一个 句子,而 thereby 后常接现在分词作状语。as a result of 由于(as a result 才表“因此”),因此 A 为答案。


  His heavy drinking and fond of gambling makes him a poor role model. A and fact that he gambles B and that he gambles C and he gambles which D and gambling


  【答案解析】本句考查的是平行结构的用法。(并列连词and,but,as well as,or 等连接的应是两个或几个同类的结构,语法上称为平行结构)本句中and 连接的是两个动名词,所以选项 D 是答案。


  Depression that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rush of the busy week stops referred to by a prominent psychiatrist as Sunday Neurosis.

  A .has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist B .has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatrist C. a prominent psychiatrist has referred to it D .it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist


  【答案解析】 本句是个复合句:Depression 是主语,后面是 that 引导的定语从句 that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rush of the busy week stops,而其中斜体部分又是一个修饰 people 的定晤从句,之后还有一个由when 引导的时间状语从句,因此划线部分应是谓语动词,因此选项A正确。


  Most of the older civilizations which flourished during the fifth century B.C. are died out.

  A they have died out B has died out C have died out D they had died out


  【答案解析】本句是个复合句:Most of the older civilizations 是主语,后面是 which 引导的定语从句 which flourished during the fifth century B.C.因此划线 部分应是谓语动词,根据主语,谓语应用复数形式,因此选项 C 正确。


  The student asked her professor if he would have gone on the space ship he did know earlier.

  A if he knew B if he knows C he had known D had he known


  【答案解析】本句是对过去事实的假设,条件从句的谓语应用过去完成时(had known),而 if 条件句中如有 were,should,had,可将 if 省去,而把 were,should,had 放在句首。因此选项 D 是答案。


  The professor is quite difficult pleased.

  A to please B to be pleased C for pleasing D pleasing


  【答案解析】此句是用动词不定式作主语:To please the professor is difficult.此 句常写作:It is difficult to please the professor.因此答案为 A。


  All don't have a free ticket must pay the admission fee.

  A Everyone who doesn't have a free ticket B No one who doesn't have a free ticket C No one who has free tickets D Anyone who has free tickets


  【答案解析】 [分析] 代词应用。 此句考查的是带有定语从句的代词作主语,要表达的是:所有没有免票的人 都要付入会费。选项 B 是双重否定,与要表达的意思相反:选项 c 的定语从句中 的 ticket 不应用复数,选项 D 也与要表达的意思相反,而选项 A 意为“任何一 个没有免票的人都要付入会费”。因此 A 为答案。


  In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200 billion stars, a small part of them probably have planets on which life is feasible.

  A a small fraction in which B a small fraction of which C a small fraction which D which a fraction of


  【答案解析】 [分析] 结构应用。 英语的定语从句(不论是限定性或非限定性)中,当关系代词作介词宾语时,介词前置,其中 whom 指人,which 指物:而介词 of 表示整体中的一部分,比用 in 准确,所以 B 为答案。


  When I last saw them, the police had chased the robbers down Columbus Street.

  A were chasing B was chasing C chased D were on a chase


  【答案解析】在由 when 引导的时间状语从句的句子中, 主句和从句的谓语动词的动作是有 先后次序的,如状语从句的时态是一般过去时,主句应用过去时,本句表示过去 正在做的动作所以应用过去进行时,又因主语 the police 即状语中的 them,所 以谓语为复数,答案应为 A。

  第 10 题

  The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown broke up the lion tamer's heart.

  A broke away B broke down C broke D broken down


  【答案解析】 [分析] 动词搭配。 break up 打碎, 终止, 驱散; break away 突然离开, 放弃(习惯等); break down 毁掉,制服,中止;而本句要表达的意思是:令训狮员非常伤心;所以应用 break one's heart,选项 C 正确。

  第 11 题

  The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster show a remarkable resemblance to a plesiosaur, a large water reptile of the Mesozoic era presuming extinct for more than 70 million years.

  A supposed B presumably C presumptuous D is presumed


  【答案解析】 [分析] 副词应用。 Suppose 和 presume 均表 “假定, 认为” , 但 presume 更侧重 “猜想” ; presuming 作形容词时,与 presumptuous 是同义词,表“专横的’,但在本句中 presuming 不是形容词, 而是分词, 修饰形容词 extinct, 表 “假定的” , 故选项 B. presumably “大概”是答案。

  第 12 题

  Erosion that is a slow process, but it constantly changes the features on the surface of the earth.

  A which is B although C being D is


  【答案解析】 本句是由 but 连接的并列结构,前后均应有完整的主谓结构,划线部分中的 that 使前句成为一个从句,去掉它则句子成立,因此 D 为答案。

  第 13 题 Because everyone knows, facts speak louder than words.

  A Since B That C It D As


  【答案解析】根据句意, 从句不应是原因状语从句, 而是方式状语从句; 而 as 在此作连词, 引出方式状语从句,表示“正如,按照„„方式”,所以 D 是答案。

  第 14 题

  "But you'll be able to come, won't you?" "Yes, I think such."

  A that B it C so D this


  【答案解析】I think so. 是固定搭配。Think 后面可以用 so 来避免重复已经表达过的想 法。 所以答案是 C。 与此用法相同的动词还有: hope, believe, suppose, imagine。

  第 15 题

  Just as there are occupations that require college degrees also there are occupations for which technical training is necessary.

  A so to there are B so too there are C so there are D so too are there

  【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】[分析] 习惯搭配。 此句意为:正如有些职业需要大学学历一样,有些职业也需要专门的技术训 练。just as„,so 表示“正像„„一样,也”,so 在此作 also 解,应放在句 首,后面的句子不倒装,too 在此表强调。所以 B 是答案。









