
时间:2022-08-19 14:41:33 成考高起专 我要投稿
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  1、Young babies can use hand equally well.

  A、either B each C both D every

  2、They have two teams, and of them have chance of winning

  A、both B none C neither D all

  3、 of us could work out this maths problem, so we asked our teacher for help.

  A、Some B any C No one D None


  1、With the help of the foreign experts, the factory produced cars in 2001 as the year before。

  A as twice many B as many as twice C as twice as many D twice as many

  2、New typewriters cost about price of the second-hand ones

  A three times the B a three times C the three tomes D three times a

  解析:倍数表达公式(1)倍数+as ---as(2)倍数+the +名词+of


  (1)短语 the same as(2)The + 比较级……,the +比较级……

  (3)形容词、副词的比较级可被much、far、still、even、a little、a bit、a lot、a great deal修饰,加强或削弱其语气。

  1.In the world no country has exactly the same folk music _____ that of any other countries.

  A. with B. as C. to D. like

  2.Although the price of house has been lower , it is _____ higher than before.

  A. still B. yet C. so D. such



  如:1 must /may /might +动词原形(表对现在事情的肯定推测)

  典型例题 专升本2001年13题

  She ________on her way to school, I just phoned her home and no one answered me.

  A. should be B . must be C. might have been D. could be


  must /may /might +have +PP(过去分词) (表对过去事情的肯定推测)

  典型例题 专升本2005年20题

  --They are supposed to arrive at six, but there is no sign of them..

  --Something unexpected__________-to them.

  A . might happen B .must have happened C. would have happened D. could happened

  解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情肯定推测的结构,故选B 题意为:他们原定于6点到达,但现在连人影都没见到,肯定出什么事了。

  couldn’t / can’t +have +PP ( 表对过去事情的否定推测)

  典型例题 (1) 专升本2004年34题

  “I saw Mary in the Library yesterday.”

  “you her, she is still in hospital.”

  A mustn’t have been B could not see C. can’t have been D. must not see

  解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情否定推测的结构,故选C 题意为:我昨天在图书馆看到玛利了。 你不可能看到她,她还在医院里呢。

  (2) 高起点2003年25题

  You ________have seen Jane in her office Last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.

  A couldn’t B . mustn’t C . wouldn’t D. shouldn’t

  解析: 题考情态动词对过去事情否`定推测的结构,故选A 题意为:上个星期五你不可能在简的办公室看到简,她已出城两个星期了。

  4.Ought to / should +have +PP (表过去应做的事而实际上未做,含有责备的口气)

  You ____________yesterday if you were really serious about the job.

  A ought to come B ought to have come C. ought have come D. ought come

  解析:此题考查过去应做的事而实际上未做,故选B 题意为:如果你很在乎这份工作的话,昨天你就该来。


  (1)只要时间状语是by the end of last……,主句的谓语动词绝对用过去完成时;如果把last 变为next ,主句的谓语动词绝对用将来完成时。

  (2)By the time 从句的时态是一般过去时,主句谓语绝对采用过去完成时;如果by the time 从句的时态是一般现在时,主句谓语绝对采用将来完成时。


  (1)祈使句的反意问句 (2)let’s开头的反意问句

  (3)谓语为used to be 型的反意问句 (4)含有否定词的反意问句

  1.Don’t shout in the meeting room,______?

  A. should you B. will you C. can you D. could you

  2.Let’s visit our uncle on the way home ,______?

  A. will you B. will we C.do we D. shall we

  3.There used to be a cinema on this street, .?

  A .wasn’t there B. didn’t there C. wasn’t it D. didn’t it

  4.Tom seldom visits his grandparents, ?

  A .doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. does he D. is he


  要点一 (1)what 与that (2) 形式主语 与强调句

  (3) 区别介词短语与从句 (4) 掌握从句必须采用陈述语气(as、 though 引导的让步状语除外)

  1.It is impossible he will tell us he has just done.

  A. that what B.what that C.what what D.that that

  2.It was in Hong xing Cinema I met Mr Smith for the first time.

  A.when B.where C .in which D.that

  3.He is always trying to help others he is too busy.

  A. except B. except that C. except when D. in addition

  4.Never forget the days together on the island last year.

  A. shall I , we spent B. I shall, we spent

  C. shall I, when we spent D. I shall, where we spent

  要点二 状语从句部分的时间状语从句。

  (1)掌握 hardly…….when………..

  No sooner…than………..

  (2) 牢记 the moment, the minute, each time ,by the time …….等短语可引导时间状语从句

  要点三 状语从句的结果状语

  (1) 掌握so 与such的 区别

  So 的使用公式:

  so + adj + a/an + n

  主语+谓语 so + adj + that

  so + adv


  主句+连系动词+ such + a/an + adj + n

  主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(可数复数) + that

  主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(不可数)

  (2)掌握so ……that和such……that的倒装句式

  要点四 状语从句部分的让步状语


  . as ,though引导的让步状语从句的公式

  名词/形容词+as +主语连系动词

  副词 +as+主语+行为动词

  (2)让步状语从句不可以和并列连词but, and, for, so , therefore等同时用于一个句子中,但可以用still, yet,

  要点五 定语从句部分要点如下


  类型1. 第一种类型的非限定定语从句的先行词与定语从句的关系代词用逗号隔开,是因为两者关系不密切,从句仅对先行词起补充说明的作用。

  Yesterday , I met a girl ,who was my deskmate in the Middle school.

  We are going to spend this year’s Spring Festival in Hainan, where our parents lives.

  类型2. 第二种类型的非限定性定语从句修饰的不是一个先行词,而是上文中的整个句子,这时引导词只能用which.

  (二)当先行词为1、不定代词2、先行词被副词only,最高级、序数词修饰时,常用关系代词that 引导。

  (三)what 不可以引导引导定语从句,但what =先行词+引导词


  1.The dog ran out of the yard the old lady open the gate.

  A. the moment B. that moment C. a moment D. this moment

  2.He will give this letter to your bother the moment he him.

  A. will see B. sees C. see D. would see

  3.Although he likes Mary so much , he doesn’t want to marry her.

  A .and B.but C. yet D. so

  4. , he can already support a big family.

  A. A boy as he is B.AS he is a boy C .Boy as he is D. he is a boy


  要点1 only +副词/ 介词短语/状语从句置于句首强调时后面的主语与谓语必须部分倒装。

  要点2 一些含有否定意义的词,如:not only , not until ., never , hardly , no sooner , scarcely , little , nowhere , in no time..........等短语置于句首强调时,后面的主语和谓语必须部分倒装。


  要点1就近原则:not only.......but also; either.........or; neither........nor; or 连接两个主语时, 谓语动词应与第二个主语保持一致。

  要点2 就远原则:在主语与谓语之间插入短语 as well as ,together with, along with, with, except, but谓语动词不受插入语的影响仍和主语保持一致。

  要点3 时间、距离、金钱等词语作主语表总量时,谓语动词用单数。


  要点1 学会分析一道题缺少谓语还是非谓语。

  要点2 区别不定式、动名词、分词作定语。

  要点3 分词完成式仅作状语,不作定语。

  要点4 动名词的逻辑主语。

  要点5 分词作宾语补足语。


  要点1 做过的事情、发生过的事情,动词regret , forget , remember后带动名词,反之,带不定式。

  要点2 当 动词 require , need , want {需要}的主语是物时,后带动名词的主动语态表被动含义。

  要点3 区别短语 have +sb +do / / have +sb /sth+doing // have +sth +done

  要点4 区别短语 make +sb +do // make +oneself +done

  要点5 区别短语used to do sth // be used to do sth // be used to doing sth

  第十三部分 英文写作


  1 已经适应了北京的生活。


  3 他想成为一名城市志愿者,更好地去了解这里的人民。

  Dear John,

  I received your letter yesterday, in your letter, I learnt you want to know my life in Beijing.

  How time flies! It has been two months since I left. Now , I have got used to the life here. Chinese people are very friendly, whenever you need help, they are ready to help you.

  I have made great progress in my Chinese , next ,I want to be a city volunteer, which, I think , is good for me , on the one hand , it gives me a good chance to improve my Chinese, on the other hand, I can better understand the people here and their way of life.

  I hope you will come to study in China someday in future.


  Best wishes











