
时间:2023-03-09 15:38:48 基础英语 我要投稿





  Sunny English Club

  For students

  16:00—18:00 every Saturday

  200 yuan a month

  99 Beijing Road

  Tel: 3785290

  Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more.

  Ocean Museum

  9:00—17:00 from Thursday to Sunday

  Ticket: 50 yuan

  132 Zhongshan Street

  Tel: 54390856

  Show you a full picture of sea lives!

  Health Centre


  16 Zian Street

  Tel: 39086892

  Free examinations for those over 70.

  Give you good advice to keep healthy!

  61. When can you visit Ocean Museum ?

  A. On Saturday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Monday. D. Any time.

  62. Who can probably get free examinations in Health Centre?

  A. A little baby. B. A teenager.

  C. A young woman D. An old grandpa.

  63. How much will you pay if you want to study in the English Club for one year and a half?

  A. 600yuan B.1200yuan . C. 2400yuan. D. 3600yuan.

  答案 61-63 ADD


  Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs.Even though you are mentally healthy,it doesn't mean that you don't have a menta1health problem.

  Mental health is everyone's business.We all have times when we feel down or stressed.Most of the time those feelings pass,but sometimes they develop into a more serious problem.It seems that our mental health doesn't always stay the same.It can change as the environment changes and as you move through different stages (阶段)of your life.

  Here are four practical ways to look after your mental health.Making simple changes to how you live doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.Anyone can follow them.

  ●Talk about your feelings.It can help you stay in good mental health.It isn't a sign of weakness,but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.

  ●Eat well.What you eat and how you feel are closely connected.A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.

  ●Keep in touch.Friends and family members can offer various suggestions which may help you do everything actively and solve practical problems.

  ●Take a break.It could be a weekend eploring new places to enjoy the nature,or even a ten﹣minute break from doing your homework.A few minutes can be enough to relax you.


  Mental health is about (56) how  you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs.Even

  though you are mentally healthy,it is (57) possible that you have a menta1health problem.We all have times when we feel down or stressed.Most of the time those feelings pass,but sometimes they develop into a more serious problem.Making simple changes to your (58) lifestyle  doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.First,talk about your feelings.Second,a proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.Third,various suggestions may be (59) offered by your friends and family members.It helps you keep( 60) active  and solve practical problems.

  Finally,take a break at weekends.









  56.how 考查连接副词及上下文理解 根据Mental health is about the way you think and feel 可知心理健康是关于你思考和感受的方式,结合题干Mental health is about (56)how you think and feel,可知句中缺少宾语从句的连接词,结合原句为the way you think and feel,"你思考和感受的方式"即你如何思考和感受,故填入连接副词how"如何"故答案为how

  57.possible 考查形容词及上下文理解 根据第一段Even though you are mentally healthy,it doesn't mean that you don't have a menta1health problem.可知即使你心理健康,这并不意味着你没有心理问题.结合题干Even though you are mentally healthy,it is (57)…that you have a menta1health problem.可知该空处在句中作表语,故填入形容词,结合句意可推知即使你心理健康,你也可能有心理问题."可能的`"的英文表达为possible,故答案为possible.

  58.lifestyle 考查名词及上下文理解 根据第三段Making simple changes to how you live doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.Anyone can follow them.可知对你生活的方式做简单的调整并不花费很多的钱和时间,结合题干Making simple changes to your (58)…doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.可知该空处在句中作介词to的宾语故填入名词形式,结合句意可知"简单改变生活方式不会花费很多的钱和时间""生活方式"的英文表达为lifestyle,故答案为lifestyle

  59.offered 考查被动语态及上下文理解 根据第六段Keep in touch.Friends and family members can offer various suggestions which may help you do everything actively and solve practical problems可知保持联系.朋友和家人能给你提供各种建议帮助你积极地做一切事情以及解决具体问题.结合题干Third,various suggestions may be (59)…by your friends and family members可知句中缺少谓语动词结合原文句意可知谓语动词为提供"offer",再根据句中的主语suggestions是谓语动词offer的承受者二者形成被动关系,故用被动语态又知句中含有情态动词may,故该句的谓语动词为含有情态动词的被动语态,结构为情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词,offer的过去分词为offered,结合空处只缺少过去分词,故填入offered

  60.active 考查形容词及上下文理解 根据第六段Keep in touch.Friends and family members can offer various suggestions which may help you do everything actively and solve practical problems可知保持联系.朋友和家人能给你提供各种建议帮助你积极地做一切事情以及解决具体问题.结合题干It helps you keep( 60)…and solve practical problems.可知该空处在句中作表语故填入形容词,结合句意可知保持积极,形容词"积极的"英文表达为active,故答案为active.


  A study found most people use their smart phones for an hour and 52minutes a day.Most of this time is taken up with texting,emails and surfing the web,but only around 20minutes is spent making three calls.

  The survey of 2,000people found that social media apps,calculators (计算器),calendars and cameras were

  also seen as particularly important functions.Navigation apps (导航应用)such as Google Maps were popular too﹣with one in six people admitting they would feel unable to travel around an unfamiliar city without one.The study also found checking Facebook and taking pictures of others are carried out more frequently than making calls.Also on the list were the calendar to remember appointments and birthdays,mobile banking and the news are apps that make day﹣to﹣day life a little easier.

  Tom Barr said:‘The functions on a mobile phone have developed and improved drastically (剧烈) over the past 10years.With so many ways to keep in touch nowadays,people are using the functions that are convenient for them.As we get less and less time to ourselves,we need more convenience in our lives and less difficulty.While calling can be more personal,it doesn't always save your time.'

  Scientists at Rice University wanted to see if the latest mobile technology would be used by the students to improve their learning.But a year later,the researchers concluded that it's not enough to give students the right technology,but said they need guidance about how to use it.

  32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? B

  A.Most people spend nearly two hours texting a day.

  B.Most peoplespend about 20minutes making three calls a day.

  C.Most people spend mosttime of a day making phone calls.

  D.Most time of a day is taken up by surfing the web.

  33.Why don't most people make a lot of calls? B

  A.Because calling can be more personal.

  B.Because it doesn't always save your time.

  C.Because social media apps are important functions.

  D.Because calling is more convenient.

  34.What does the underlined word"one"in the second paragraph refer to (指代)? B

  A.Social media apps.

  B.Navigation apps.

  C.Mobile phones.

  D.Particularly important functions.

  35.The writer mainly wants to tell us C .

  A.navigation apps such as Google Maps were popular

  B.checking Facebook is carried out more frequently than making calls

  C.the functions on a mobile phone have developed and improved drastically

  D.students need guidance about how to use mobile phones.



  【解答】32.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段:Most of this time is taken up with texting,emails and surfing the web,but only around 20minutes is spent making three calls.可知大部分时间用来发短信,电子邮件和上网冲浪,但只有约20分钟被用来打三个电话.故选B.

  33.B.细节理解题.根据文章第三段:While calling can be more personal,it doesn't always save your time.可知当打电话可以更私人化的时候,这并不能总是节约你的'时间.故选B.

  34.B.细节理解题.根据文章第二段:Navigation apps (导航应用)such as Google Maps were popular too﹣with one in six people admitting they would feel unable to travel around an unfamiliar city without one.可知导航应用程序也很流行,六分之一的人承认他们会觉得无法周游一个陌生的城市,如果没有导航应用程序,故选B.

  35.C.主旨大意题.根据全文以及第三段:Tom Barr said:‘The functions on a mobile phone have developed and improved drastically (剧烈) over the past 10years.可知作者想要告诉我们移动电话的功能已经开发并大幅度提高.故选C.









