
时间:2024-04-10 11:24:19 英语演讲稿 我要投稿
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  happiness的英语演讲稿 1

  Good morning, dear judges and teachers, it’s a great honor to be here to show my presentation with all of you. Today my topic is all that at present is happiness.

  People always say, if you find the Four Leaf Clover you will find happiness. Because the first leaf represents hope; the second represents pay; the third represents love; and the rare Four Leaf Clover represents happiness.

  But what is happinessDifferent people have different definitions of happiness. In my opinion, all that at present is happiness. Now, I am going to tell a story.

  Once upon a time, a rich man and a poor man talked about what happiness was . The poor man said:“ All that at present is happiness.”

  Observing the poor mans shabby cottage and clothes, the rich man sneered:“ Can this be called happinessMy happiness is a luxurious house with a hundred rooms and a thousand servants!”

  On the very night, a big fire burnt down the rich man’s hundred—room house into pieces. And all his servants went away .The rich man became a beggar overnight. One day, it was extremely hot. He, a beggar now, came to ask for some water to drink when he passed by the poor mans cottage.The poor man brought him a big bowl of cool and fresh water, asking,“what do you think happiness is now”

  The bagger said anxiously,“Happiness is the bowl of water in your hands now.” Happiness is essentially all that at present. One can enjoy happiness in all his lifetime only by stringing all these present moments together.

  Happiness is something special. We can neither see it nor touch it. Yet it never leaves us, it’s around and need us to find it out by heart. For me, I am proud of myself to live on my own dependently. I love my job. Facing with the lovely students is my greatest happiness. Smile with my heart, bring sunshine to others, be gentle with others, always be myself, all above make up my happiness.

  The point helped me see that there isnt any road to happiness. Happiness is the road. There is no better time to be happy than now! So please live and enjoy the moment, using your eyes to look for happiness, you will realize that everywhere is filled of happiness and life is beautiful.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 2

  it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech. today, i’m going to talk about my understanding of happiness.

  as you know, in educational circles, confucius

  said that it is wonderful to repeat when learning new things. in the field of physics , newton was a single man in his life-time, but he own a felicitous life; in the sport world , kobe bryant was so cheerful that beat the adversaries.but for man in the street , its very easy to get happiness. we just need several honest friends around us. because of the existence of friends

  around us, we escape from lonely, and make our life more fantastic. when we feel happy, share with friends, happiness is increasing. when we get hurt, pour to our friends, the pain will decrease. when we make progress, friends will always be proud of you. when we make mistakes, friends will also help you to correct them. when we are ill, we can usually get a light greeting from our friends. when we fall into trouble, friends will try their best to help us. they are all happiness, arent theyhappiness is not just the money. its the

  imagine that you have the chance to enter a house with all the happiness mankind ever had, and all you need to enter are keys for the 3 locks on the front door. in order to possess true “happiness”, you must do whatever you can to find the keys and open the door. what would you use for the keys to “be happily ever after”

  if i ever get the chance burst through the door of happiness, here are my keys. the second key is “satisfaction”, the fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectation, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this. nowadays, with all the high-tech and significant developments going on, people are slowly losing the feeling of being satisfied. when they get whatthey want, they often hunger for more and even more. sometimes dissatisfaction can be helpful when it’s related to achieving your goals, but being unsatisfied all the time can go beyond the limit, and create misery in your life. fighting against materialism and accepting how perfect everything has been is absolutely a key to a happy life.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 3

  good morning. ladies and gentleman, it’s a great pleasure for me to stand here to present my speech——what is happiness. what is happiness?different individual have various understanding of it. in other words, everybody has his or her own criterion of happiness,if you reach the criterion,you are happiness. there is no doubt that other peoples happiness may no be the happiness you want and on the contrary your happiness perhaps cant be accepted by others. to sum up, happiness is like a private article, it is you who could realize the present in it.

  if you must give a definition of happiness, in my opinion, there are two kinds of it. one is that you have the perfect life and family, the other is you can do what you like best. it is obvious that lots of people prefer to possess the former kind of happiness, but in the movie the pursuit of happiness”, the character had the later kind of happiness he was brought up in a single family and not until 28 years old did he know his father, so that he set up his mind to keep his son under his protection. it is his dream to be a investment expert, however, his wife left him owing to poverty, and then he couldnt afford the rent so he led a vagrant life in the city.what’s more, he had to run as quickly as possible only to get the chance into the asylum. too much had to finally made him achieve his goal, the moment he knew the news, his eyes were full of tears.

  so friends, which kind of happiness do you have thank you!



  克里斯·加德纳拥有的显然是后一种幸福。单亲家庭长大的他,在28岁的'时候才见到自己的亲生父亲,于是他想让自己的儿子一直都活在自己的保护下。他的梦想是成为一名投资专家。可是生活的困苦,却让他的妻子离开了他。接着,没有房租的他开始带着儿子过着流浪的生活。一方面他不得不提着40多磅重的医疗仪器四处奔走推销用以糊口;一方面他要保护好只有5岁儿子的幼小心灵。他因交不上房租,而不得不义务粉墙;他因没钱交汽车罚单,而不得不在警察局里过夜;他因无处可去,而不得不抱着儿子在厕所过夜;他甚至不得不在下班后狂奔,那只为排队获得进收容所的机会太多太多的不得不, 最终让克里斯·加德纳获得工作机会的那一刻感到了莫大的幸福。


  happiness的英语演讲稿 4

  Can money buy happiness?

  Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.

  It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 5

  Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.

  It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

  So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 6

  Most of us have learned a story. A little puppy asks her mother, “Mummy, mummy, where’s happiness?” Her mother smiles and says, “It’s on your tale.” The puppy thus tries to reach her tale, only to find it’s impossible. At last, the mother tells her, “Honey, if you head up and walk straightforwards, happiness will follow you all around.” As for our human beings, we all pursuit it without realizing that happiness is simple in many ways. Meeting an old friend is happiness. Winning a game is happiness. Even now I’m standing here and giving my speech is also happiness.

  Happiness is basically a state of mind. It’s not in the mere possession of money, power or other material. When we achieve something we’re longing for or do something we prefer to, a spiritual satisfaction is perceived, which in my opinion can be defined as happiness.

  Happiness lies in the effort of dedication and in the joy of achievement. Let me share something of my experience as a volunteer for the German agent in the 2009 World Stamp Exhibition. During the five days, with another two volunteers, we’ve done a lot of cancellation and helped communicate with customers who came to our booth. We all felt tired but cheerful. I’ve learned to listen to others, to value their opinions, and to work in cooperation as a team member. In short, I think I can say that I’ve learned to be a better person through volunteering. And I believe it’s one of my unforgettable experience in life.

  Every person, regardless of their position, has something to offer to humanity. We achieve our own value by dedicating to the society we live in. And we gain grate satisfaction through our sincere effort. In a word, if everyone does a little, we can make a big difference, to build a happier and more harmonious world.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 7

  It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover. Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common.

  The most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work sseems good to them. But there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty. The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.

  It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter. If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen--a different diet, or more exercise, or what not. Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 8

  Can money buy happiness?Different people have different opinions.Some think yes,while others hold the opposite.

  It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants,and live a life of comfort and security.However,it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress.It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal.In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money,resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

  So,money does not necessarily mean happiness.It all depends on how it is used.If we make honest and sensible use of money,it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness,it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.




  happiness的英语演讲稿 9

  You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

  You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.You will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

  You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.After all,you are the best,and you deserve the best!

  As your coach and friend,I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you,but the key to that door is in your hand.You must do your part,you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan,you must never quit,you must never fear.I know you must do it,you can do it,you will do it,and you will succeed!

  Now stand firm and tall,make a fist,get excited,and yell it out:

  I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!







  happiness的英语演讲稿 10

  at you cannot get happinessby pursuing it. This is The most important of these things is an activity which at mostgradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming intoexistence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their childrencan get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family.Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way iftheir own work seems good to them. But there are many humbler formsof the same kind of pleasure. Many men who spend their working lifein the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremuneratedtoil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experienceall the joys of having created beauty. The whole subject ofhappiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.

  It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory oflife or a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy bya bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, justas you may need a tonic when you have been ill. But when things arenormal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without atheory. It is the simple things that really matter. If a mandelights in his wife and children, has success in work, and findspleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, hewill be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, snoise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime helongs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then whathe needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen--a differentdiet, or more exercise, or what not. Man is an animal, and hishappiness depends.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 11

  I believe that most of us had been “questioned” by our parents or relatives basically about “how much do you earn a month” or “have you gotten promoted”. But few of them care about that if we are living a happy life.

  Concerning such phenomenon, a question comes to my mind: what is happiness?

  As American president Franklin Roosevelt said,“ People are happy only because they think they are.”

  Different kinds of people enjoy different kinds of happiness. To the chairman, nation’s harmony and prosperity is happiness. To retailers, selling more goods and having more customers is happiness. To the police, getting guilt punished and society’s stability is happiness. To beggars, away from starvation is happiness.

  We will feel happy when we receive greetings and wishes. A few words like “Happy new year!” or “Merry Christmas” could be pretty delightful. But not all greetings and wishes lead to happiness. For instance, once I received a message from my girlfriend on November 11th. The message said “Happy bachelors day!”

  Actually, no one can be happy forever.

  We all confront difficulties and failures and experience reversein our daily lives, that is inevitable . We may be upset when we lose a game. We may feel tough when we suffer from diseases.

  But it doesn’t matter because happiness is much more beautiful in comparison with these tragedies. As George Bernard Shaw, a famous British dramatist said , “lifetime of happiness? no man alive could bear it, it would be hell on Earth .” We live a hard time so that we value the happy moments. If there is no sadness, then how could we be able to measure happiness?

  People never give up the pursuit of happiness. They work hard in order to own a cosy life. They take morning exercises in order to keep healthy. They go on a trip in order to release the tension of emotion…

  However, the whole world’s happiness is much more essential than the one’s.

  It’s everyone’s duty to make the world full of love.

  Actually, we are making move. I can see that more and more people start paying attention to the poor. A lot of Hope Projects emerged as well as charity organizations.

  I have a dream that one day when an old man falls down in the middle of the street, passers-by will give a hand instead of walking away.

  I believe that one day happiness will exist in every corner of the world.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 12

  As we all know, happiness is something that everyone is chasing. But, what is happiness? Does happiness have a universal definition? I say no. But there must be something in life that makes you realize what it means. When you are hungry, you have something to eat. Don’t you feel happy? When you’re in sick, there is a short message full of care and love from your friend. Don’t you feel happy? When you have each tiny wish come true, don’t you feel happy?I always try my best to find out what is the true meaning of happiness. And I think I have got lots of it from my career. Today, standing here, I’d like to share with you a little piece of my happiness from my school life.

  “Dear queen, how do you feel? Do we massage well?” Lee said softly around me. Of course, the “queen” was me. One day, our P.E teacher was out for business trip. So it was my duty to be the leader in this P.E class. After guiding students to play games for a long time. Everyone was tired. Then, one student lay down. Then, another?in a minute, all of the students lay down on the playground. It was so enjoyable for me to see such a great situation, as in the classroom our lovely guys always sit properly to show their poritive attitudes. The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. Smelling the faint smell of flowers, I couldn’t help closing my eyes and lying on my back. Suddently, a tiny hand touched my arm. “Queen, you must be tired after a day’s work. Right? I’m your faithful maid. Let me serve for you.” Then, the other students came over to sit and serve around me. Head, neck, leg. Wow, that was really a great happiness to have such an experience.

  Dear friends, everyday we have a lot of work to do. Everyday we have a lot of things to complain. But, just like Xiao Shenyang saying, “The eyes close and open - a day is over. The eyes close but never open , all life has gone.” Time is limited. Why can’t we focus on our lovely students and keep a happy mind in the school life? Just like me. Lie down and enjoy the happiness from my kids.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 13

  Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I’m xxx, major in xxx, grade xxx. It’s my great honor to be here and discuss the familiar topic “happiness” with all of you. Firstly ,a brief introduction of myself. Actually, once make self-introduction, the first point I would like to emphasize is that I come from Shangrao Yushan, one of the world natural heritage site—San Qing mountain is just located there. After these words, I particularly willing to look forward to your envious eyes. The second is about my mother school-Yushan NO.1 middle school, I still remember used to give a presentation of the school, comparing its front door to the one of Peking university, then all the students and our teacher laughed .I love my hometown, and I am really proud of my mother school. Thank you.

  OK, so let’s get into the topic—happiness. As I’ve mentioned just now, it’s a familiar topic since we have discussed during our class meetings for several times. What impresses me most is a sentence from our dear secretary Xiong. He says: Our destination is happiness, but the process is much or less painful. So today, with the indoctrination of our secretary, I’m going to re-interpretation an old story, and to share my view of happiness. Believe that you all have read the story of the rich and the fisherman. Yeah, the rich teaches the fisherman how to become a billionaire, so as to have a carefree holiday and enjoy life at the seaside like him. But, what’s the fisherman’s answer? Don’t you think I’m now enjoying the result of all the processes you have just said?——that’s the answer. Well, when first read the story, I thought the fisherman is very palladian,even believed that enjoying the moment was more important than just hard work. However, once again to review the story with the secretary’s words, I awaken to the truth immediately. We are born in different background, grow up in a different environment, in a word, we are different. As I always believe, everyone on the big stage of life has his own role, we all burden various missions when come to the world. The fisherman is content with the status, repeating simple life day-after-day, enjoying the peace and serenity.

  But he’s just satisfied with self demand, his contribution to the society ,however, is rather limited. Then, let’s turn to the rich with great ambition. After enjoying the short holiday, he has to get back to his business, continue to struggle, to bring more joy to his family through his own effort, and, last but not least, to create great value to the society. Obviously, the two protagonists in the story are living in two different ways. But I believe both of them want to reach the happiness destination in their mind. We are also the same. As we grow, we are always in constant choices. And often the choices we make is based on our inner yearning for happiness.

  Maybe sometimes, we are not so lucky, just have to accept some facts rather than make our own choice, such as success or failure, or the death of relatives or friends. Or maybe sometimes, our eyes are not so bright, our intellectual is not so maturity, and then get to a wrong way when pursuit happiness, for example, hurt the closest person around us, or even do something illegal. However, life is a practice. All we suffer will help us become more stronger and powerful, and gradually ,we will have more choices about our own life. Whether to be a rich, or to enjoy life like the fisherman. Howsoever, we are pleased with our life, and we feel happy.

  Finally,What I would like to emphasize is that no matter what we experience on the way, we cannot ignore the family members, relatives, friends ,and our lovers. They care about us now and then ,our happiness is often affects theirs. Just cherish everyone we met or will meet. Whoever loves us ,loved by us, offers help, or even hurts us. Ok, as there comes an end to my speech ,I wish you all are enjoying happiness, or are just on the way. As we have no choice about success or failure but we can choice to work hard, so, let’s work hard together for our happiness,let’s fighting. Thank you.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 14

  the road to happiness

  it is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. this is only true if you pursue it unwisely. gamblers at monte carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. so it is with happiness. if you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover. epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. his method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. for most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. but i think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. if you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common.

  the most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them. but there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty. the whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.

  it had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. but when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. it is the simple things that really matter. if a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. if, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen--a different diet, or more exercise, or what not. man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. this is a humble conclusion, but i cannot make myself disbelieve it. unhappy businessmen, i am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

  thangk you.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 15

  What is happiness? If someone has a lot of money, does he really be happy? The two questions point out the relation about money and happiness. Today, people treat money the first place in their life, they work hard for making money, because without money, one can’t do a lot of things, indeed, we need money. When people get married, the first thing they do is to get enough money to buy a house, money seems everything. While on my opinion, money can’t buy happiness, I see some guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy. So happiness is from someone’s heart, it is nothing to do with money. 毕业 http://www.lW54.com

  什么是幸福?如果一个人有很多钱,他就很开心了吗?这两个问题指出了钱和幸福的关系。今天,人们把金钱放在首位,他们努力工作来挣钱,因为没有钱,他就无法做很多事情,确实,我们需要钱。当人们结婚的时候,他们首先要做的就是有足够的钱去买房子,钱看起来是一切。然而在我看来,钱买不到幸福,我遇到过一些人,他们不富裕,但是他们活得自由,他们想搬到哪里就哪里,他们觉得很开心。所以幸福是从一个人的.心里发出来的,与金钱无关。 作文 http://www.Lw54.com/zuowen/

  happiness的英语演讲稿 16

  the road to happiness it is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. this is only true if you pursue it unwisely. gamblers at monte carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. so it is with happiness. if you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover. epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. his method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. for most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. but i think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. if you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common. the most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them. but there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty. the whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly. it had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. but when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. it is the simple things that really matter. if a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. if, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen--a different diet, or more exercise, or what not. man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. this is a humble conclusion, but i cannot make myself disbelieve it. unhappy businessmen, i am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy. thangk you.

  happiness的英语演讲稿 17

Dear students:

  Hello, everyone! Today, I lecture entitled "Thanksgiving in happiness."

  Thanksgiving in the land of trees, using leaves to the fertile soil; seedlings Thanksgiving at the farmers, will mature seeds brought to; crow Thanksgiving in motherly love, to feed to reciprocate affection; Yanger Thanksgiving in breast milk, to kneel down milk to express respect for the ... ... us? As a person’s us? What we should be grateful?

  Chic young people grow into happy, we are grateful to parents and teachers, whether that? Parents working toward a stay late every day, but also for serving our school down to dusk, eating, delicious vegetables always before our eyes, dressing areas, must put our dressed neat.

  Teachers, classroom patient, meticulous and patient guidance, classroom under the careful lesson preparation, these duties, leave the self-study self-study, does letting go ... ... no matter how tired they are, heard not seen soon as complaining; No matter how naughty, do not see They love a hint of fade. All this does not do is to cultivate our talent?

  Walking in the busy, spacious and clean the road, thanks to which we dedicated to the traffic police? Braving the scorching sun so that they braved the cold cream, has provided us with security; Will we grateful to those meticulous cleaners is that they call-in breaking dawn, Saojing dust for us to devote all the way to clear refreshing cool.

  Recovery after an illness of you, whether the patient and meticulous Thanksgiving to those doctors and nurses? Examination, diagnosis, dispensing, infusion, inside and outside the busy pace of an angel playing the notes are those, such as the Teana as driving ran the invasion of illness. The silent dedication behind the medical scientists should also be grateful you are, ah, without their meticulous research and preparation, where there will be a panacea for those who make you struggle to shake off his illness?

  The use of a modern high-tech products, are we grateful to those of the extremely intelligent scientist? Without them, our world is what is so wonderful, how can our lives so convenient? Look at your images clear and colorful show rear-projection TVs, where there Haoxiliantai, where there are wonderful infinite; you look at it a little glance that the world is something, and then point to the article in relation to all times and the small computer, actually put into the whole world, or even the whole universe ... ...

  Life is so happy, we need to Thanksgiving too many people, but the tender shoulders is not yet contribute much to society, it will be Thanksgiving’s heart into a motivation to learn it, with the knowledge to equip themselves with the wisdom of the future return on to life, back to society!

  I finished the speech, thank you!

  happiness的英语演讲稿 18

  nowadays, increasingly individuals pay special attention to the topic the way to happiness. maybe some folks have a question that why “the way to happiness” becomes a hot word in the society.

  we all know a lot of people consider their life are not happy. for students, the academic pressure, the enter the next higher school’s pressure and the comparison of the result are confused all the students every day. the graduate will worried about their job and payment in the going future. staffs may anxious the competition and the advance in the company. the retiree may worried about the endowment insurance and the healthy problem. therefore, a lot of problems like strife, contradiction have emeraged.

  so, is that means only kids have a happy life or kids even have their own shadow we do not find it out?

  in fect, still a lot of people consider their life are beatific surrounding us. you can see the sweet smile on their face and full of energy’s looks everyday.

  you will have another question here. why these guys’ life are beatific all the time? they do not have any pressure or they won’t worried about anything?

  in fect, these people know a secret, the way to happiness.

  firstly, we know all the people must face a lot of pressure everyday, people know the secret have their own way to reduce their pressure and solve the problems. in front of the presure, they have a lot of methods just like drink a cup of tea, listen some light music or talk with their friends to share their mind and relax theirselves.

  secondly, they have their own plan of everything such as a timetable include the time for working, the time for enjoying their life with wife, with husband and kids, the time for shopping and so on.. they just face the pressure durning the time for work and they use remaining time to enjoy their life and do some other things they like.

  thirdly and the most siginificant things of all is that they do not worried about the pressure or the problems will happen in the going future and they have strong confidence to salve and to face all the challenges. they have a glorious vision in their mind.

  to sum up, they optimistic faced everything. optimistic mind-set is the a short cut to the happiness. optimistic mind-set is the key to open the door to glorious.



Can Money Buy Happiness大学英语四级作文(通用36篇)07-07

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