
时间:2023-03-10 19:37:40 综合英语 我要投稿
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  第一部分 听力(共两节)



  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£9.15. B.£918. C.£915.

  1.Where does the man want to go?

  A.To the seasid B.To the museum. C.To the post offic2.Since when has the woman caught a cold?

  A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Tuesday.

  3.Wy won't the woman lend her car to the man?

  A.Her car will be repaireB.She is not sure of his driving skill.

  C.She will drive to the supermarket.

  4.What does the woman mean?

  A.She isn't interested in the concert.

  B.She is going to a different concert.

  C.She will put off writing her paper.

  5.Who wrote the novel The Ordinary World?

  A.Sun Shaopin B.Lu Yao. C.Jenny.




  6.What does the woman usually eat for unch?

  A.Tomato soup. B.A hot do C.A sala7.What did the woman eat this morning?

  A.Bacon. B.Chicken. C.Brea.


  8.What is the man probably?

  A.A driver. B.A tour guid C.A worker in a TV station.

  9.What does the woman watch every day?

  A.Dramas. B.Cartoons. C.News shows.


  10.What did Professor Smith teach?

  A.Musi B.Maths. C.Physics.

  11.What was Mr Harbour like?

  A.Greedy. B.Seish. C.Strict.

  12.What is the man's suggestion for the woman?

  A.Making a mode.

  B.Writing an email.

  C.Teaching schoo subjects.


  13.Who is Tony writing about?

  A.Christopher Columbus.B.Vasco da GamC.Road Amundsen.

  14.Why did the king of Portugal send Vasco da Gama t India?

  A.To do some business therB.To take control of the country.

  C.To larn about the customs there.

  15.How long did it take Vasco da Gama's team of ships to get to India?

  A.About 5 months.B.About 8 months.C.About 10 months.

  16.Why was Roald Amundsen the man's favorite explorer?

  A.He found a shortcut from Europe to IndiB.He was the first person to reach the South PoC.He succeeded in sailing across the India cean.


  17.H many urban residents in Asia live in informal settlements?

  A.About 50 million.B.About 500 million.C.About billion.

  18.When was the UN World Habitat Day first celebrated?

  A.In986. B.In 987. C.In 985.

  19.What does World Habitat Day mainly involve?

  A.Residents' fooB.Residents' shelter.C.Residents' heath.

  20.What is the theme of World Habitat Day 2016?

  A.Shelter Is My Right.B.Voices from Slums.C.Public Spaces for A.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)




  Guildford School of Acting (GSA) is possibly the world's most successful centre for musical theatre traininOur philosophy is based on your growth as an individual and your development as an artist within a highly disciplined whole.

  We want you to view yourself as a potential artist who can compete and succeed in all aspects of musical theatre performance. To accomplish this, you will need to develop your professional awareness through a strict process of training.

  We will guide you towards the development of a clear set of individual technical skills, with practical classes in:Group and individual singin, Ballet, Jazz, Tap and other forms of dance.

  Your skills are further developed through many exercises, scene work and project rehearsals(排练). Classes in dance and singing are highly ranked alongside acting classes and proects, which enable GSA Musical Theatre performers to become multi-skilled.

  Professional development classes and workshops with guest speakers drawn from the contemporary musical theatre industry ensure currency within your chosen field and enable you to maximize all employment opportunities. A final show presentation in a West End theatre helps you complete your change from a musical theatre student to a professional performer.

  The result is your development into a highly disciplined, individual and all-round performer who has both artistic skills and the ability to work in cooperation with others.

  You can get in touch with us by:

  Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, Telephone:212998-5154

  Professor Dianna Heldman,dh24@nyu.edu

  21.What type of the text is it?

  A.An advertisement. B.A diary.

  C.A travel guid D.A performance report.

  22.Which of the following is one of the maors for students in GSA?

  A.Sports. B.English. C.History. D.Jazz.

  23.Where is the studentsfinal show presentation held?

  A.At a schoo hall. B.At a West End theatrC.At a stadium. D.At a rehearsal room.

  24.Who will show special interest in GSA?

  A.Tom who wants to become a writer.

  B.Jake who lacks experience of drawinC.Lucy who has the desire to perform musical theatrD.Peterson who expects to direct an international film.


  One day was listening to the radio about some poor children. As I listened, I felt that I had to do something for those children, so I asked four of my friends if they wanted to help a poor child. They agreed.

  Finally, we got a letter from a little child called Juanito Sanchez, in which he asked for some blankets and also some clothes and a pair of shoes for his little sister. In his letter he wanted to help his father fix the house which was in a bad condition because of the arrival of cold winter.

  We told the radio station that we wanted to help that child. After that, we started to think about how to collect all the money needed to buy all poor Juanito needed. After 5 days, we collected much money and bought many things for Juanito. We also bought some food for his family and some toys for him because we wanted to give him a little surprise.

  Finally, on December 22 the radio station made a big party in which all the children who asked for help were invited, and also all those helping these children. In the party we met Juanito. his mom and his little sister.

  First, we played some games with him. After that, we gave Juanito all the presents and also the surprise we had for him. When he opened all the presents, he was excited and happy, so were my friends and I.

  That day was one of the most beautiful days in my lire, and I learned something important from it. It is giving help to those who need it that is one of the most beautiful things that you can do because this makes you feel good and also makes the persons who you are helping happy.

  25.What caused the author to help a poor child?

  A.A radio program.

  B.The arival of cold winter.

  C.A letter from Juanito Sanchez.

  D.Advice from his four friends.

  26.To give Juanito a surprise, the author ________.

  A.decided to repair his house

  B.collected more clothes for him

  C.did as Juanito asked him to do

  D.prepared more than Juanito needed

  27.What did the author learn on December 22A.We all can lie happily.

  B.Helping others benefits u.

  C.It is our duty to ask for help.

  D.We need to live a rich lif28.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

  A.there were eight people present at the party

  B.the author didnt buy gifts for Juanito's sister

  C.the author will help more people in the future

  D.Juanit's father was too ashamed to attend the party


  Every Australian child is brought up on Vegemite(维吉米特黑酱)!Yes, this dark coored food paste made from yeast extract(酵母膏)is put on fresh bread and toast as a snackbreakfast, lunch on the run or when there's basically nothing else left in the house to eat. It takes time to adapt to it for those not used to it. Simply watch overseas visitors make faces when tasting it for the first time found in every indigenous Australian home! In fact, it is considered a national food and cultural sign.

  Vegemite has an interesting history. More than ninety years ago, a leading Australian food technologist was given the challenge of creating a food item from a by-product of the beer manufacturing process. This by-product was developed into a pure vegetable extract spread for use on bread and toast. It has since found its way into many Australian homes.

  Before World War II it was confirmed by the British Medical Association for its medicinal benefits as a nutritionally balanced food for patients. It became very important during World War II. As a result of the heavy demand by the armed forces, the supplies to civilians were rationed(限量)with the foowing message given by the government:Vegemite fights with the men up north! If you are one of those who dont need Vegemite medicinally, then thousands of the injured are asking you to deny yourself of it for the time being. After the war, with many babies born, Vegemite was confirmed as a necessary source of Vitamin B1, B2 for babies.

  29.What does the underlined word “indigenous” in Paragraph mean?

  A.Rich. B.Nativ C.Remot D.New.

  30What's the purpose of the message given by the government?

  A.To encourage Australians to fight for their nation.

  B.To tell people Vegemite has high nutritional valuC.To suggest that people leave Vegemite to the army.

  D.T inform Vegemite has medical functions.

  31.The author is trying to show us the fact that Vegemite ________.

  A.has been a part of Australian history

  B.is a kind of popular food for babies only

  C.is popular in every English-speaking country

  D.has become a favorite food for overseas visitors


  Once there was a man who knew he could achieve whatever he wanted. He wasn't a great man or highly educated. But, there was always the same story heard from his lips whenever he talked to you, “I will achieve some big things in my life and I will get most of them soon”. I saw him occasionally and each time he spoke like before. But he still hadn't taken one step to complete any of his dreams?no actions at all.

  You can guess what happened next. As the years passed by, I went on my way to several new adventures in business, but he remained where he was. The last thing I heard of him just before I moved away was that he was ill and couldn't get around.

  Recently I spoke with an old friend about this man. Not that long ago he passed away. I asked whether he had taken action towards any of his many dreams. The sad answer was no.

  When I think of this man, I wish he understood what Albert Einstein said, “The value of achievement lies in the achieving.”

  This man achieved nothing of his dreams. He lacked the preparation and action. There is no achievement made through a dream unless there is dedicated movement, action steps, and perseverance to continue.

  There are several points here that can make the difference between dreaming and achieving. Without a solid and detailed plan for each step, you will spend your entire lifetime dreaming. Besides, in order to accomplish a dream, action must be taken. You also need to consider through any adventure in life whatever that decision is. There are always risks associated with any decision and choice. There are absolutely no guarantees that your choice ends up being the best one.

  But, you will never know where a dream will end up unless you do something. Or, you will go through life always wondering what would have happened if you had taken action and not just simply talked.

  32.The author writes the text to tell us that ________.

  A.doing is better than saying

  B.knowledge starts with practice

  C.where there is a will, there is away

  D.a good beginning makes a good ending

  33.What can be inferred about the author from the text?

  A.He laughed at the man.

  B.He was the mans colleague.

  C.He worked hard and was successful.

  D.He once advised the man to start business.

  34.Why did the author mention Albert Einstein in the text?

  A.To show the key to inventinB.To show the cost of achievement.

  C.To show the importance of taking action.

  D.To show Albert Einsteins great achievements.

  35.What may be the best title of the text?

  A.Dream to the end

  B.Achieve all, achieve none

  C.A man who achieved nothing

  D.Do something to achieve success



  Confidence makes a differenc It could mean the difference in landing a job you have been dreaming of. It could also mean the difference in staying happily with the girl of your dream. Having enough confidence may help you achieve what you want in your life. ____36____ Hopefully we can light your path with this guide to becoming more confident.

  Make lists. This is a two-part process which begins with a look into who you are. First make a list of all the things that set you apart from the rest. This will help you focus on the things that have gone right instead of the things that have gone wrong. ____37____ What are you fond of? In most cases, hard work with passion will bring about improvement.

  ____38____ People usually shy away from praise. I think it makes them feel that they do not deserve the praise. Take yourself away from that thinking and happily accept the praise. Another thing, remember that you matter. If you have something to say, force yourself to say it clearly and loudly. You can do this without sounding angry. ____39____

  Move towards your goal. ____40____ Having a purpose and fl goal is great to feed your confidence. Start with the little things like the stuff you have been putting off for later. The more things you accomplish, the better you feel.

  A.You are important and appreciated.

  B.Then look at the things you enjoy doinC.This makes you move in the right direction.

  D.But how exactly do you get that confidence?

  E.In order to be confident, you have to look confident.

  F.If somebody disagree with what you say, do not just shy away.

  G.Studies show that the healthier you are, the more confident you feel.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节)



  A man invited a beautiful girl to have a coffee. As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too ____41____ to say anything and she felt uncomfortable. ____42____, he asked the waiter, “Could you please give me some ____43____? I'd like to put it in my coffee.”

  Everyone stared at him. He turned ____44____, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank. ____45____, she asked, “Why salt with coffee?” He explained, “When I was a little boy, I lived ____46____ the sea. I liked playing on the sea. I could feel its taste salty, like salty coffee. Now every time I drink it, I think of my ____47____ and my hometown.”

  She was deeply ____48____. A man who can ____49____ that he's homesick must love his home and care about his ____51____. He must be responsible. Then, they ____51____ their love story. Later, they ____52____ and lived happily together. And every time she made coffee for him, she put in some salt, the way he liked it.

  After 40 years, he ____53____ and left her a letter which said, “My dearest, please ____54____ my life-long lie. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous that I asked for salt instead of sugar. Many times, I tried to tell you the ____55____, but I was afraid that it would ____56____ everything. Sweetheart, I don't ____57____ 1ike salty coffee. But as it ____58____so much to you, I've learnt to enjoy it. Having you with me was my greatest ____59____. If I could live a second time, I hope we can be together again,____60____ it means that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my life.”

  41.A.nervous B.busy C.azy D.honest

  42.A.Generally B.Suddenly C.Gradually D.Actually

  43.A.water B.sugar C.salt D.wine

  44.A.old B.wrong C.blue D.red

  45.A.Curious B.Angry C.Anxious D.Careless

  46.A.under B.near C.in D.above

  47A.future B.knowledgeC.childhood D.background

  48.A.annoyed B.interested C.depressed D.touched

  49.A.admit B.admire C.promise D.refuse

  50A.company B.family C.business farm

  51.A.ended B.planned C.started D.changed

  52.A.left B.succeeded C.failed D.married

  53.A.passed away B.paid offC.eft behind D.set off

  54.A.forget B.forgive C.remember D.miss

  55.A.leture B.esson C.truth D.history

  56.A.improve B.achieve C.get D.ruin

  57.A.easily B.merely C.exactly D.closely

  58.A.troubles B.matters C.costs D.destroys

  59.A.happiness B.fault C.regret D.effort

  60A.so that B.as though C.in case D.even if




  There' no rose without a thorn(刺). This thought is absolutely necessary to prepare you ________ (experience) less pain and more joy in your journey of life.

  With a bird's-eye view, you may realize something meaningful. During your school ____62____ (year), while joyfully ____63____ (study) knowledge you are also under the pressure of homework, examinations, ____64____ ranking. You face crises and pains. Meanwhile, all sorts of complex affairs may happen ____65____ you and your classmates. In your ____66____ (young), adolescence may fill you with unrealized desires and send you into deeper puzzlement.

  Entering marriage, you are ____67____ (actual) in the center of all the contradictions?the matching of different personalities, financial management and so on. As you become old, your health may decline and ____68____ (vary) troubles in your career and family may appear gradually.

  We may therefore conclude that much of our lire may not ____69____ (spend) in contentment.

  However, in fact, the discontent things are not useless since you may learn more from them ____70____ from the things that cheer you up.

  第四部分 写作(共两节)








  As we have learned English for a very long time, we may complain it. We once made a joke which foreigners should learn ChinesNow, it was not a joke anymore. More and more foreign people are interesting in Chinese, and many of us learn Chinese well. There was a hot show calling Chinese Bridge. I had been seen the show, and I was very impressed by the foreign students, whom spoke Chinese very well. We should learn from those foreigner because they showed us a way to learn a language good.

  第二节 书面表达







  3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。Dear Tom,

  How are you going? I miss you very much._______________



  Li Hua







  M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?

  W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.

  M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a sort of social club for people from different countries. It's quite a new club we have about 50 members at the moment, but we are growing all the time

  W: That sounds interesting. I'm British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I'm looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize?

  M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and we also have language evenings.

  W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?

  M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practice their languages-you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday Spanish; Tuesday-Italian; Wednesday-erman; and Friday-French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

  W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French.

  M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I'll send you the form and some more information. If you join now you can have the first month free.





  第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。





  M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

  W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.








  (Text 1)

  M: Does this bus go to the beach?

  W: No. You're going the wrong way. You need a No. 5 bus. It stops in front of the post office next to the musum. Then you can get there.



  (Text 2)

  W: Doctor, I'm really feeling bad today.

  M: Let me have a look. It seems that you have got a cold. How long have you been like this?

  W: Today is Friday. I have been like this since this Tuesday.



  (Text 3)

  M: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?

  W: Well, when exactly?

  M: Next Wednesday.

  W: I'm sorry, but that is just not possible. I will drive to the supermarket next week.



  (Text 4)

  M: Aren't you going to the concert in the park tonight?

  W: Even if I didn't have a paper to write, I would rather spend the evening at school.



  (Text 5)

  M: Jey, have you ever read the novel The Ordinary World by Lu Yao?

  W: Yes, of course. The novel itself is really inspiring. San Shaoping is really my hero. He is a strong-minded man.

  M: Yeah, it appears to me that nothing can change his mind of working hard for a better life.



  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。





  (Text 6)

  M: Hi, Lucy. What are you eating for lunch today?

  W: Tomato soup.

  M: How is it?

  W: It's delicious. I love hot soup on a cold day.

  M: Me too. You usually eat a hot dog for lunch.

  W: Yes. But today I want soup.

  M: I might get a salad today.

  W: A salad?

  M: Salads are healthy. I like chicken and bacon on my salad.

  W: I had bacon for breakfast this morning. I also had eggs and some fruit.








  (Text 7)

  M: We make many different kinds of shows here at the TV station.

  W: We do. Our TV station makes a lot of shows.

  M: But we don't have a game show.

  W: Do you like game shows, Bob?

  M: Yes. I love game shows. I want to be on a game show one day.

  W: I like funny shows. I love to laugh. I like cartoons, too.

  M: I like situation comedies and cartoons. But I really like serious shows.

  W: So you like dramas.

  M: Yes. I watch a different drama every day of the week!

  W: I watch news shows every day. Those are like dramas!








  (Text 8)

  M: What did Professor Smith teach?

  W: He was my music teacher. That's the reason why I love music!

  M: That's great! He really inspired you, didn't he?

  W: Yes, he did! I had a great teaher in elementary school. He really inspired me, too.

  M: Really? Tell me about him.

  W: Mr Harbour was my fifth grade teacher. He taught us maths and physics. He really loved teaching, and he loved his students. He was very tough.

  M: That's good.

  W: He didn't just teach school subjects. He taught us many useful things about life too.

  M: You should write an e-mail to Mr Harbour. Thank him for everything he taught you.

  W: Good idea!








  (Text 9)

  W: What are you busy with, Tony?

  M: I'm writing a school report about a famous explorer.

  W: Is it Christopher Columbus, the explorer who discovered America?

  M: No. Bill is writing about him. Sam and I are writing about Vaseo Da Gama.

  W: I've heard little about him before. So can you tell me where he came from?

  M: Sure. He was a famous explorer from Portugal He's most famous for finding a new way from Europe to India.

  W: Why did he sail to India?

  M: At that time, spices from India were very popular with European people. But the only way to travle from Europe to India was by land. It was a long and expensive trip.

  W: So he wanted to find a shortcut to India?

  M: It wasn't him but the king of Portugal who wanted to find the shortcut. The king wanted to become rich trading spices in Europe, so he gave Vasco da Gama some ships and asked him to try to get to India by sea. The team of ships set out in July, 1497 and reached India in May, 1498.

  W: It must have been a hard voyage back then. So, who is your favorite explorer? Vasco da Gama?

  M: No. My favorite explorer is Roald Amundsen. He was the first person to reach the South Pole.








  (Text 10)

  Half of the people of the world now live in urban areas. Furthermore, one in three urban resident-nearly one billion people, half of them in Asia-live in informal settlements. To break the cycle of poverty means reating sustainable communities.

  World Habitat Day is observed every year on the first Monday of October throughout the world to reflect on the state of human settlements and people's right of enough shelter. It also aims to remind people that they are responsible for the habitat of future generations.

  The UN's World Habitat Day was first celebrated in 1985 with the theme "Shelter Is My Right". This year, the United Nations chose the theme "Public Spaces for All". The World Habitat Day 2016 campaign aims to recognize the challenges and issues around public spaces.











  1~5ACCAB 6~10BACCA 11~15CBBAC 16~20BBCBC21~24ADBC 25~28ADBC 29~31BCA 32~35ACCD 36~40DBAFC41~45ABCDA 46~50BCDAB 51~55CDABC 56~60DCBAD

  61.to experience 62.years 63.studying 64.and/or

  65.between/to 66.youth 67.actually

  68.various 69.be spent 70.than

  As we have learned English for a very long time, we may complain it. We once made a joke foreigners should learn Chinese. Now, it not a joke anymore. More and more foreign people are in Chinese, and many of learn Chinese well. There was a hot show Chinese Bridge. I had seen the show, and I was very impressed by the foreign students, spoke Chinese very well. We should learn from those because they showed us a way to learn a language.


  One possible version:

  Dear Tom,

  How are you going? I miss you very much. I feel very depressed now because there is an annoying thing that discourages me.

  There is a new classmate who is very fat coming to my class. Many classmates laugh at him just because of his weight, which makes me angry. In my opinion, looking down on the newcomer is a foolish behavior, and it makes themselves look like a fool. As a result, the relationship between classmates must be broken.

  Unluckily, I have no idea to solve the problem. So I hope you can give me some suggestions. I will appreciate it if you can help me get out of the trouble.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua









