
时间:2023-01-24 01:52:29 研究生考试 我要投稿
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  About 40 percent of Americans think of themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from shyness at some point in their lives. Shyness occurs when a person’s apprehensions are so great that they 1 his making an expected or desired social response. 2 of shyness can be as minor as 3 to make eye contact when speaking to someone, 4 as major as avoiding conversations whenever possible.

  “Shy people tend to be too 5 with themselves,” said Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist, who is one of those at the forefront of current research on the topic. “ 6 , for a smooth conversation, you need to pay attention to the other person’s cues 7 he is saying and doing. But the shy person is full of 8 about how he seems to the other person, and so he often 9 cues he should pick up. The result is an awkward lag in the conversation. Shy people need to stop focusing on 10 and switch their attention to the other person.”

  11 , shy people by and large have 12 social abilities than they think they do. 13 Dr. Cheek videotaped shy people talking to 14 , and then had raters (评估者) evaluate how socially skilled the people were, he found that, in the 15 of other people, the shy group had few 16 problems. But when he asked the shy people themselves 17 they had done, they were unanimous in saying that they had been social flops (失败).

  “Shy people are their own 18 critics,” Dr. Cheek said. 19 he added, shy people feel they are being judged more 20 than they actually are, and overestimate how obvious their social anxiety is to others.

  1. [A] prevent[B] inhibit[C] keep[D] motivate

  2. [A] Symptoms[B] Signals[C] Highlights[D] Incidences

  3. [A] succeeding[B] failing[C] acting[D] responding

  4. [A] but[B] not[C] or[D] nor

  5. [A] preoccupied[B] absorbed[C] engaged[D] indulged

  6. [A] However[B] Then[C] For example[D] Instead

  7. [A] that[B] which[C] what[D] how

  8. [A] worries[B] feelings[C] emotions[D] indiffferences

  9. [A] follows[B] picks up[C] misses[D] catches

  10.[A]the conversation[B] shyness[C] others[D] themselves

  11. [A] Therefore[B] Nevertheless[C]On the contrary[D] Similarly

  12. [A] worse[B] as good[C] better[D] best

  13. [A] When[B] Since[C] While[D] As

  14. [A] themselves[B] friends[C] strangers[D] others

  15. [A] name[B] terms[C] ease[D] eyes

  16. [A] oblivious[B] obvious[C] oblique[D] obscure

  17. [A] what[B] whatever[C] how[D] however

  18. [A] best[B] justice[C] fair[D] worst

  19. [A] In particular[B] In contrast[C] In general[D] In comparison

  20. [A] positively[B] negatively[C] subjectively[D] objectively


  1. 【答案】B

  【解析】 inhibit意为“阻止,抑制”,后面可直接跟名词或动名词,如:Thirst inhibits the desire to eat.口渴妨碍食欲。而prevent,keep虽也意为“阻止”,但常用结构为prevent/keep sb.from doing sth.因此这里inhibit为最佳选项。

  2. 【答案】A


  3. 【答案】B

  【解析】fail to do sth.不能做某事,句意为:害羞的人不能在与别人交谈时与别人进行眼神交流。因此,B项最合逻辑。

  4. 【答案】C

  【解析】or表示一种选择关系,根据上句...can be as minor as. . .,“可能微小到……”,又根据后面的...as major as...,“能大到……”,由此可知应是一种选择关系,因此用or。

  5. 【答案】A


  6. 【答案】C


  7. 【答案】C

  【解析】注意前面出现的cues,这个词意为“(言词、行为之)暗示,提示”。因为后面一句是用来解释说明cues的,因此应选What he is saying and doing.他在说什么话和做着什么动作。

  8. 【答案】A


  9. 【答案】C


  10. 【答案】D


  11. 【答案】B


  12. 【答案】C


  13. 【答案】A


  14. 【答案】C



  15. 【答案】D

  【解析】in the eyes of sb.意为“在某人看来”;in the name of sb.意为“以某人的名义”。根据上下文,选用eyes最合逻辑。

  16. 【答案】B


  17. 【答案】C


  18. 【答案】D


  19. 【答案】C

  【解析】in general意为“总体上来说”;in particular意为“具体而言”;in contrast意为“相比而言”;in comparison意为“比较地说”。

  20. 【答案】B



  Things in the henhouse changed practically overnight when McDonald’s announced in 1999 that it would no longer buy eggs from producers who didn’t meet its guidelines for care of chickens. Those guidelines included limiting the 1 of birds that could be kept in one 2 and prohibiting beak removal, 3 trimming just the tips.

  Once McDonald’s had 4 the way in issuing animal care guidelines for the company’s suppliers, many other giants of the fast-food industry rapidly followed 5 , including Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, A and W and KFC. Now, the American Meat Institute has 6 welfare guidelines and audit 7 for cattle, pigs, and chickens. And the European Union, representing our foreign customers, is also 8 in with, among other things, legislation banning. 9 use of crates to house pregnant sows, 10 in 2013.

  Questions about animal care 11 with the explosive growth in large-scale livestock farms, 12 spurred customers to complain about animals being treated as “factory parts”. That spurred ARS and the livestock industry to take a proactive approach to addressing animal 13 issues, making sure that guidelines are based on facts 14 through scientific research. The goal is to share research findings with the retail food industry and others so that the livestock industry can improve its 15 guidelines.

  Ten years ago, to 16 these concerns, ARS started a research program on livestock behavior and stress. The scientists involved were tasked with finding out whether modern farming practices were 17 stressing animals. And if so, could scientific methods be developed to measure this stress so that 18 could be evaluated objectively rather than subjectively?

  A decade later, the 19 answer is “yes” to both questions, Many had expected the answer to be “no” on both counts, but science works independently 20 people’s opinions.

  1. A. amount B. number C. figure D. sum

  2. A. cage B. cave C. case D. cart

  3. A. but for B. except for C. aside from D. away from

  4. A. paved B. changed C. led D. opened

  5. A. suitB. step C. set D. super

  6. A. adapted B. adopted C. approved D. accepted

  7. A. booklets B. pamphlets C. brochures D. checklists

  8. A. measuring B. weighing C. considering D. thinking

  9. A. prolonged B. proceeded C. programmed D. progressed

  10. A. efficient B. effective C. effusive D. elective

  11. A. raised B. roseC. aroseD. pose

  12. A. who B. what C. which D. how

  13. A. health B. life C. wealth D welfare

  14. A. decided B. determined C. proved D. tested

  15. A. voluntary B. revolutionary C. preliminary D. necessary

  16. A. express B. address C. suppress D. compress

  17. A. unduly B. unequally C. unfortunately D. unfavorably

  18. A. performances B. programs C. problems D. practices

  19. A. sequential B. initial C. essential D. financial

  20. A. of B. on C. by D. with






  【解析】but for是“若非,要不是”,except for是“除了,只是”,aside from是“除…以外”,away from是“离开”。原文的意思是供应商除了可以对鸟喙尖部稍加修剪外禁止去掉鸟喙。只有except for符合句子意思,因此B是正确答案。


  【解析】pave the way是“为…作准备”,change the way是“改变…方式、方法”,lead the way是“为…之先,首先倡导”,open则不能和the way搭配。根据上下文可知麦当劳公司在家禽饲养方面率先作出明确规定,其后诸多快餐巨头纷纷效仿,因此答案是C。


  【解析】“效仿,模仿”在英语里的固定短语是follow suit,所以选A。






  【解析】weigh in with是固定短语,意为“(在讨论等中)有把握地提出”。Consider,think和measure都不能和in with搭配,所以答案是B。





















  【解析】 performance是“表演,表现”,program是“规划,程序”,problem是“问题”,practice是“实践,行为,做法”。除了区别四个选项的意思之外,细心的同学会发现上句话中practice已经出现。从上下文中寻找正确答案是做完形填空题非常行之有效的技巧。D是正确答案。




  【解析】 be independent of是固定短语,意为“不依赖于…”,原句意思是科学不以人的意志为转移,也就是说科学不依赖于人为因素。正确答案为A。









