
时间:2023-02-25 04:08:04 小升初 我要投稿





  三大从句;sometimes 、sometime 、some time、some times的用法;

  have 的各种用法等


  I am near-sighted, and my eyesight is getting worse, because I play too many computer games and watch too much TV. I really play computer games a lot. There are so many different games and I spend all my time in playing them. When I play computer games, I always forget about my other plans. I am a bit ashamed (害羞) of this habit(习惯). I also like watching television. Sometimes I turn on my TV even

  while I am doing my homework.. I usually sit one metre away from my TV and watch it for hours if my parents do not ask me to do something else.

  I know how bad my eyesight is when I am in a car. I look out of the window and see shops, but I can't see the signs clearly. I have to guess the shop names from from curves(弯曲物) and lines. I try my best not to wear glasses, because they change my appearance and make me look like a hen. I hate my eyes for making me wear glasses during school hours.

  I love my eyes at the same time because they let me see the beautiful world. Love your eyes and don't play too many computer games or watch too much TV. The world will be dark after you become near-sighted.


  Tom's Letter and the Answers

  Tom worried about his height, so he wrote a letter to a magazine:

  Dear editors,

  I've always been very short for my age.Most of the people around me are much taller than me.So, I get a little discouraged .It's hard to go to a show and spend the whole time looking at some tall persons' bacIk.And if they have big hair or a high hat.That'll be even worse.My father is short, too.He tells me not to worry about it.But what do you think I should do?

  Tom Thumb

  The editors published Tom's letter in their magazine, and two readers answered it:

  Dear Tom,

  Many famous people are short.Pablo Picasso, the famous artist, was one meter and sixty tall, and Elton John is only one meter and fifty-three, and Deng Xiaoping is less than one meter and sixty, and so on. But all of these people and many more have made a big contribution to the world.


  Dear Tom,

  When you're standing in a crowd and you can't see the other people, just smile and tell yourself you'll be the last person to get wet if it rains.

  A Short Man


  Swimmers Wanted

  Can you swim? Do you like kids? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come and join us. Call Janice at 880-9132 for more information.

  Let’s Learn English

  Do you speak English? Do you want to learn more English? Join the English club now.

  Time: 9:00 am-11:30 am (from Monday to Friday)

  Call Janice at 951-1689.

  Chess Club

  Do you like to play chess? Do you want to play chess well? Miss Zhang teaches you. You can come here every Friday afternoon.

  Tel: 866-2236

  Add: Room 510 in school’s P.E.. BULDING

  Musicians Wanted

  Boys and girls, are you music lovers? Can you sing or dance? Can you play any instruments? Welcome to our Star Rock Band.

  Please call Sally at 302-6730 or send an e-mail to music@yahoo.com.

  1. What can Miss Zhang teach you?

  A. To play chess

  B. To speak English

  C. To swim

  D. To play volleyball

  2. Mary can swim well and she wants to find a job. Who can she call for more information?

  A. Jessie

  B. Janice

  C. Sally

  D. Jenny

  3. Tommy wants to join the chess club. When can he go to the club?

  A. On weekends

  B. From 9:00am to 11:30 am

  C. Every Friday afternoon

  D. On weekdays

  4. You love music and you want to be a singer. What can you do?

  A. Send an e-mail to music@yahoo.com. B. Call 951-1689.

  C. Go to Room510 in school’s P.E. building. D. Call Janice.

  5. Cindy can speak English very well and she teaches kids English. She works from Monday to Friday. Where does she work?

  A. The Star Rock Band

  B. The chess club

  C. The volleyball club

  D. The English club

  阅读C 选词填空


  阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写(T),不符合的写(F) )

  Find and keep your friendship

  Every one of us ,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.Your friends will listen to you when you speak,will take care of you when you are sick,and will be together with you in your journey through life.

  Everyone needs friends.Friendship can make us happier.How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other?Here is some advice.

  ★ Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.

  ★ You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.

  ★ Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble .Friends should always be ready to help each other.

  ★ Believe in each other.This is the most important thing in a friendship.

  ★ Even the best friends may have quarrel (争吵)sometimes.If this happens ,don’t let your quarrel last too long.Try to make up with(和好) your friends soon.

  Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life.It is like a bottle of wine,the longer it is kept,the better it will be.

  41.Rich people don’t need friends.

  42.If your friends are in trouble,you should help them.

  43.Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.

  44.Don’t believe in your friends.

  45.Best friends don’t have a quarrel.









