
时间:2022-06-18 22:45:15 英语词汇 我要投稿
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  balance n.平衡(keep the balance of nature; have a good sense of balance)/v.使(在某物上)保持平衡;权衡

  ban n.禁令(a total ban on smoking in the office)/v.禁止;取缔(ban smoking/ban them from smoking)

  bargain n.(经过讨价还价后)成交的商品;廉价货:The car was a bargain at that price. v.讨价还价:In the market dealers (商人)were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.

  base n.根基,根据地,基地,大本营。如:The company has its base in New York./v.以……为据点;以……为基础。如:What are you basing the theory on?

  behave v.表现,举止。如:You should behave yourself in public.→behaviour n.行为;举止→belief n.看法,信念。如:Contrary to popular belief(与大家的看法相反), he was not responsible for the tragedy.

  belong vi.属于;附属。如:Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future belongs to the well-educated.(09重庆)

  beneficial adj. 有利的,有帮助的,有用的。如:A good diet is beneficial to health. →benefit n.优势,益处/v.使……受益。如:Who will benefit from these changes?

  blame n./v.责备,责怪。如:A dropped cigarette is blamed for the fire.


  Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame.(06安徽)

  bother v.打扰,烦扰,困扰。如:Sorry to bother you, but there is a call for you./n.烦恼;令人烦恼的人或事。如:What a bother! We’ve missed the bus.

  branch n.分支,支流,分部。如:The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has branches all over the country.(05辽宁)

  break(broke, broken)v.打破;折断;破坏/n.间隙;中断;休息(take a break)→break away (from)脱离……;挣脱(束缚);break into破门而入,强行闯入:We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into the office during the night.(11江西);break off打断;中断(谈话);break through冲破;突破 break down ①出故障,坏掉。如:The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.(06辽宁)②垮掉。如:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.③使分解。To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it down into parts.(05湖北) break out(战争,火灾,疾病等)突然发生,爆发。如:I was still sleeping when the fire broke out, and then it spread quickly.(06广东) break up ①粉碎,破碎。如:The ship broke up on the rocks. ②散开,解散。如:The meeting broke up at 11 o’clock. ③结束,分裂。如:However, the band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.

  burst v.突然发生,爆裂。如:Hearing the words, he burst into laughter/out laughing.

  business n.商业,生意;私事。如:Why don’t you just mind your own business and leave me alone?(07全国Ⅱ)

  calculate v.计算,核算,估计,推测。如:The loss has not yet been calculated accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.(09湖北)

  call n.喊,叫;电话,通话;称呼,呼唤/v.打电话→call for 需要,要求。如:It’s the present situation in poor areas that calls for much higher spending on education and training.(05北京) Call in 召来,召集,请(某人)进来;call on/upon拜访,访问,请求;call up 使人想起;号召;打电话给……。如:As I grow up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood.(06湖北)

  cancel vt.取消(cancel all flights because of bad weather.)

  case n.情况,状况;病例;案件;箱;盒;容器→in most cases在多数情况下;in no case决不;in case免得,万一。如:My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house in case there is a power cut.(07重庆) in case of 如果,假使。如:In case of fire all exists must be kept clear.(07天津) in this/that case如果是这样/那样。如:--I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.—Oh, in that case I won’t wait.(05浙江)

  care n.照顾,小心→take care注意,当心;take care of照顾,照料/v.关心,介意,关怀,照顾→care about关心;顾虑;在乎;care for喜欢,照顾(病人)如:After the earthquake, the injured were cared for in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.(06江西)

  catch(caught,caught)v.抓住,捕获;赶上;染上(疾病);突然碰上;当场发现(发觉);引起(兴趣或注意)。如:When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor caught my eyes. (00上海)→catch on变得流行;catch hold of抓住;catch up with赶上;超过

  cause n.原因,起因。如:According to the recent research heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily cause and effect.(02上海)/The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major cause of global climate change.(11福建) vt.促使,引起,使发生。如:Are you causing trouble again?

  celebrate v.庆祝,庆贺→celebration n.庆祝,庆祝会。如:All students are here in celebration of their good results.

  challenge n.挑战;艰巨的任务。如:AIDS control and prevention is a challenge to China as well as the whole world.(07上海春)/v.向……挑战。如:He challenged me to a race.

  chance n.机会,可能性,运气→by chance=by accident偶然地,意外地。如:We hadn’t planned to meet .We met by chance.(05全国Ⅱ)

  character n.(汉)字,字体;人物,角色;(人的)性格;品质。如:Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for character building.(09湖北)

  charge v. ①要求收费;索价。如:What did he charge for the repairs?②将(电池)充电;③指控;控告。如:He was charged with murder./n.费用,价钱;主管,看管

  check vt.检查,核对。如:--Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?---Oh, really! I haven’t checked my mailbox yet.(05天津)/n.支票,账单,检查。→check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记;check out 结账,离开

  choice n.选择,抉择。如:①He had no choice but to leave. ②Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular choice for a wedding in some countries.(07浙江)

  close adj.近的,接近的,亲密的,仔细的/adv.接近地,靠近地/v.关闭。→close to接近;靠近。如:It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood close to her mother.(02北京) close down关闭,倒闭。如:If the firms failed to make enough money, they would close down.(07湖北) close up关闭

  come v.来,来到:I would have come sooner but I didn’t know that they were waiting for me.(11天津)→come about发生。如:Please tell me how the accident came about. I am still in the dark.(05江西) come across(偶然)遇见;If you _come across_ faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.(11安徽)/She came across an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.(11天津) come down 下降。如:---Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much. ---If you buy three pairs, the price for each will come down to three fifty.(06安徽) come on(表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧。如:--I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.—Come on, Tommy. You can do it!(06江西) come out 出现,出版,发行。如:The dictionary is being printed and it will soon come out.(05福建) come over过来,顺便来访;come to 共计,达到(某种状态);come up长出,升起;发生;被提及,被讨论;走到近旁 come up with想出(主意)。如:--Have you come up with some new ideas?---Yeah. I’ll tell you later.(07江苏)/--Is everyone here? –Not yet…Look. Here come the rest of our guests.(10江苏)/how come怎么可能?如:--I don’t think I’ll be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. –How come?(11浙江)

  comfort n.舒服,安逸;安慰,慰问/v.安慰,宽慰。如:They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.

  common adj.普通的,一般的,共有的。如:Letterboxes are much more common in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.(06浙江) →in common共同,共有。have nothing /a lot in common with sb.和某人毫无、有许多共同之处;common sense 常识,情理

  communicate v.交际,传达(感情,信息等)→communication n.传达,信息,交流

  company n.陪伴,交往,同伴,朋友。如:It is said that dogs will keep you company for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.(06江西)

  compare v.比较,对照,相比。如:①I have had some difficulties, but they are nothing compared to yours. ②When compared with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.(04湖北)

  concentrate v.聚精会神。如:I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

  concern n.关心,担心,忧虑/v.涉及,有关,使担心→as/so far as… be concerned 就…而言be concerned with与…有关










