
时间:2022-03-31 14:12:27 英语词汇 我要投稿
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  1.The physics teacher told us that water ____________(freeze) below zero.

  2.The cars are those _____________(German).but they’re made in China.

  3.Mr. Smith had his wallet _____________(steal) on the bus yesterday.

  4.Be careful ______________(not make) friends with bad boys.

  5.This year alone, there _______________(be) many new buildings here.

  6.How ______________(noise) they are talking over there!

  7.You can travel _________________(safety) by train than by air.

  8.The rice ______________(grow) in South China tastes nice.

  9.There are many more trees________________(plant).

  10.There are many more trees for us________________.(plant)

  11.The two __________________(rob) both happened on a rainy night.

  12.Of all the books, I like it _____________(well), for it’s not interesting at all.

  13.It is _______________(terrible) cold today, isn’t it?

  14.They are waiting for you at the front ______________(enter) to the building.

  15.At last I saw the stars _________________(appear) in the sky. I couldn’t find them any more.

  16.Why don’t you like the story? It’s ________________ (interest) one that I have ever heard of.

  17.When I passed the window, I saw her _____________(canoe) on the lake.

  18.If you do your homework ________________(care) you’ll make a lot of mistakes.

  19.Can you give us a full ___________________(describe) of this accident?

  20.Jim like his classmates__________________(travel) to many places so far.

  21.The trees in the forests can keep the soil from _________________(wash) away by floods.

  22. __________________(most), this kind of pencil is used for drawing.

  23.Look! This pair of trousers ____________________(wear) out.

  24.A quarter ____________________(multiply) by two thirds is a sixth.

  25.He looks _________________(relax) as if nothing has happened.

  26.Many tall buildings ___________________(build) in our city during the last few years.

  27.The radio says there will be much _______________(rain) this afternoon.

  28.It’s five o’clock. The twins _________________(feed) their dog.

  29.Do you mind ___________(I ) opening the window?

  30.There is a sweater ______________(hang) on the clothes line.

  31.Those boys walked out of the classroom ____________(noise)

  32.Do you think Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers in the ______________(twenty) century?

  33.Sally was going to start work the ___________(follow) month.

  34.The porridge smells_______________(terrible).

  35.He was so ____________(luck) that he didn’t catch the last train.

  36.There will be _______________(rain) tomorrow.

  37.This is ____________(real) an interesting story.

  38.______________(safe) comes first.

  39.For_______________(who) are you going to buy a present?

  40.Kate likes ______________(fish) best of all the food.

  41.What is the _______________(high) of that mountain?

  42.Look! How _______________(terrible) he is coughing!

  43.The parks in Suzhou are nicer than ___________ (that ) in Shanghai.

  44.He _______________(tell) to answer the questions in public.

  45.I felt better, so I didn’t go to the _______________(doctor).

  46.That means we must have smaller families with fewer, but _____________(heath) children.

  47.It’s snowing ______________(heavy) when he got home today than yesterday.

  48.His father’s ______________(dead) made him very sad.

  49.It was the first newspaper ____________(sell) on train in America.

  50.Japan is a ____________(develop) country, but China is a _____________ (develop) one.

  51.The book _____________(write) by Lu xun ____________(sell) well..

  52.Why do you look much ____________(sad) today?

  53.The visitors from ____________(German) are playing at the beach.

  54.They deserved to lose, because they played ___________.(care)

  55.Do you have any ____________(fly) on Sunday afternoon?

  56.The ice in the ____________ (freeze) river is thick that you can skate on it.

  57.He failed the maths exam. That’s why he sat there __________(happy).

  58.The dog moves little. It’s ___________(die).

  59.Could you get ______________(dress) when you were three years old?

  60.You have _______________(succeed) finished the work. Congratulations!

  61.He thought his ________________(speak) English was very poor.

  62.Do you think Li Lei is ______________(fat) of the two.

  63.You’d better spend as much time as you can _________(take) exercise after school.

  64.By the time the fireman arrived, the big fire ___________(put) out.

  65.He left home ten years ago and _____________(be) away ever since.

  66.Would you please speak louder to make yourself____________________(understand) .

  67.The broken camera is ___________(use) to the students.

  68.By today one hundred eggs______________(lay) by the duck I keep.

  69.The old man decided to refuse the little boy in a _____________(politely) way.

  70.They kicked a goal, but we soon got one __________(we)

  71.Can you tell me what to do after your homework _______________(do)?

  72.The woman said that she ________________(lie) in bed from eight to ten last night.

  73.I met her yesterday. We ______________(not meet) each other for ten years.

  74.She went out of the room, _____________(leave) her daughter crying.

  75.Seven _____________(twelve) of the students were asked to do such a job.

  76.By the end of the 21st century, the number of the workers in this factory_______ (pass) 2

  77.The problem seems ____________(terrible) serious.

  78.So far neither of the twins _______________(leave) for a long time.

  79.The thief was brought in, with his hands _________(tie) behind his back.

  80.What’s the number of the Smith’s flight____________ (leave) Beijing?

  81.The more he said, the ___________(angry) we felt.

  82.Which colour is _____________(bad), Green, white or black?

  83. Jim like his classmates__________________(travel) to many places so far.

  84. The trees in the forests can keep the soil from _________________(wash) away by floods. __________________(most), this kind of pencil is used for drawing.

  85. Look! This pair of trousers ____________________(wear) out.

  86. A quarter ____________________(multiply) by two thirds is a sixth.

  87. He looks _________________(relax) as if nothing has happened.

  88. Many tall buildings ___________________(build) in our city during the last few years. The radio says there will be much _______________(rain) this afternoon.

  89. Look! The road __________________(build) by the workers.

  90. The teacher often gets us ________________(try) out new ideas.

  91. _______________(when) you see him, he is setting his mind to study his lessons. I broke the glass. The woman looked at me _______________(straight) and angrily. I’ll spend as much money as I can ______________(decorate) my house.

  92. Thanks to the _________________(invent) work. We are living better and better.

  93. He ________________(angry) pointed at my nose and said shouted,

  94. He told me he would tell us something _______________(surprise)

  95. He has been very ill, but the doctor says he is now out of ____________ (dangerous).

  96.There are many more trees for us________________.(plant)

  97.We _________(go) back to school as soon as the summer holiday is over.

  98.Tom didn’t go to school because of his_________(ill).

  99.Nothing can prevent us from__________(go).

  100.I forgot_________(close) the window. It was closed when I came into the room. 284、I was afraid of_________(wake) him up.


  1. Most_____the students went to the classroom.


  2.We play basketball________the sports ground.


  3. Where do you come_______? 你是哪儿人?

  4.Who are you talking________? 你在跟谁谈话呢?

  5. What do you study________ ? 你为了什么而学习?

  6.I have bought a book_______Shakespearean.


  7.There are_______fifteen trees in the picture. 图片里大约有十五棵树。8.The plane is flying_______the clouds. 飞机在云上飞行。

  9.I think the man is______ sixty years old.


  10. Can you swim ______ the river? 你能游过河吗?

  11.We live across the street. 我们住在街的对面。

  11.He went home ______school. 他放学后就回家了。

  12.Read ______ me,please. 请跟我朗读。

  12. The car hit _____ the tree. 汽车撞了树。

  13.He is standing______the wall. 他靠墙站着。

  14.They are walking _____the river. 他们沿着河行走。

  15.He is the tallest_____ them.他是他们当中个子最高的。

  16.They sat______ the table talking about the news.


  17.There is a drugstore ______the corner. 拐角处有一家药店。

  18.He doesn't like people treat him_____ a child.


  19.He always gets up_____six in the morning.


  20.He shot____the bird but missed it. 他向鸟射击,但是没射中。

  21.The car goes_____eighty miles an hour.


  22.He took a picture _____the car. 他在汽车前照了张照片。

  23.He can't finish his work_____supper. 晚饭前他完不成工作。

  24.Are there any brooms _____the door. 门后有扫帚吗?

  25.All of us are _____him in mathematics. 我们数学都不如他。

  26.There are four lights____ the ceiling.天花板下面有四盏灯。

  27.The murderer run away _____ the police's eyes.


  28.He found the body_____the river. 他在河边发现了尸体。

  29.He has other people to take care of _______ me


  30.We all went to climb the hill ______ Tom.


  31. He has nothing ____money. 他除钱以外什么都没有。

  32.The relations______the two countries has improved since then. 两国的关系从那以后得到了改善

  33.The shop you are looking for is beyond the street, you can't miss it. 你要找的商店在街的那边,你不会找不到的。

  34. The classroom was cleaned _____the students.


  35.Miss Lucy came to China_____air.


  36.She walked______ the street. 她沿着街道走。

  37._______ the holiday, we went to the south. 我们假期去了南方。

  38.He works ______this company. 他为这家公司工作。

  39.She came back to the classroom______ she had left her books in the classroom. 她返回到教室是因为把书留在了那里。

  40.Where are you ______? 你是哪里人?

  41.He died ______ an accident. 他死于一场事故。

  42.He was born______1992. 他生于1992年。

  43.I could finish the program______two weeks.


  44.He spend less time______reading. 他读书时间很少。

  45.The man_____black jacket is our teacher.


  46. The twins are ____ their father. 双胞胎象他们的父亲。

  47.There are some flowers_______ the house. 房子附近有一些花。

  48.This is a map ____China. 这是一张中国地图。

  49.The young man got _____the train quickly.


  50.I live in a village a little way off the main road.


  51.The dog run ______the house.狗从房子里跑出来。

  52.They are waiting ______ the gate. 他们在门外等着。

  53.There is a light ______the desk. 桌子上方有盏灯。

  54.He is_____ sixty years old.他有六十多岁。

  55.The students walked _____the post office.学生们走过了邮局。

  56.It is ten _____ two. 现在是两点十分。

  57.We sat______ the table. 我们围着桌子坐下。

  58.The earth goes ______ the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。

  59. He has made great progress in English_____ he came into the college. 从他来到大学后,他的英语有了很大进步。

  60. They went ______the forest. 他们穿过了森林。

  61.The police searched ____ the criminal throughout the mountain.


  62. He didn't come back ___eleven o'clock.   他直到十一点钟才回来。

  63. We'll be home_____six. 六点以前我们都会在家。

  64. How long is it from here ____ the station?


  65.There are some footballs_____ the bed. 床底下有几颗足球。

  66.These students are _____seventeen years old.


  67.Please wait for us_______we come back. 请等着我们回来。

  68. It was not_____last week that I handed in mathematics paper.


  69. He went_____the stairs. 他上了楼梯。

  70. It's not polite to look down upon him. 蔑视他是不礼貌的。

  71.You must finish the work_____ two weeks.


  72. We can't do it better_____ your help. 没有你的帮助,我们就做不好。

  73. We couldn't live without air and water.










