
时间:2023-02-28 04:15:08 英语听说 我要投稿
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  1. Might

  I might take the college entrance test.


  I might fail.


  I might just forget about college.


  工作计划、学习安排、还有未来的打算,但凡跟might这个词扯上关系,八成你是实现不了了。因为might正好透露了你没目标、没方向,或者压根就不在乎的小心思。靠谱一点的做法是直截了当地说Yes或No。就算不太肯定,用maybe也行啊~ 只是别忘了给个最后期限,这样才显得自信有担当!

  Might is an ambivalent word that shows a lack of intention and direction. Using might on your weekly planning, daily to-do lists, or in response to others’ requests could result in tasks left undone. That’s precisely because in your thoughts and speech, you don’t appear to care either way. Go for a YES or NO. If you are not sure about whether or not to do a task, think “maybe” but give it a deadline and convert soon to a YES or NO. It’s not about saying yes all the time; it’s about making a decision either way. You move from not confident to decisive.

  2. Won’t

  It won’t work.


  I won’t be able to do that.


  失败主义者最爱won't这个词。凡事还没开始做,就先把过去的某些经历搬出来,认为这回也一定不行。别总想着失败啦!成功都是尝试出来的!你可以说“That could work.(这个可能行。)” 或者 “Yes, I think I can do that. (是的,我想我可以。)” 要不了多久,你就会成为一个善于思考又自信的人。

  Won’t is a defeatist word that assumes failure in a race even before the first step is taken. People who think and say this word often base their negative thinking on a couple of past experiences. When you conclude in your mind that a process, a project, or you will fail, that is exactly what will happen. Open your belief to the real probability of success with, “That could work” or, “Yes, I think I can do that.” As you become more optimistic, good results will start happening to move you from not confident to positive thinker.

  3. Usually

  This is usually the way we do it.


  I usually work better solo.


  Usually是保守派的口头禅,它不仅能抹杀掉各种美好的可能,还可以为自己的懒惰找到合理的借口。别再躲避生活中的变化啦!你可以说:“We can try another way.(我们可以试试另一种方法。)” 或者“ I will take a chance working with this team.(我想试试和这个团队一起合作。)” 之后,你就等着被自己强大的适应力和各种的新发现惊呆吧!

  Usually is a status quo-type of word that accepts things as they are. Things are just that way, end of story. It’s a word that closes the door to finding newer, better ways of doing things. It’s sometimes used to justify laziness. Instead, think of alternatives, options, and new things. Be willing to think and say “We can try another way” or “I will take a chance working with this team,” and get ready to be surprised by your adaptability and other new discoveries. As new things become usual to you, your experience and expertise grows. And so does your confidence.

  4. Suspect

  I suspect there will be a company takeover.


  I suspect there is a catch to their proposal offer.



  Unlike the previous words, which mostly affects the speaker, suspect brings a shadow of suspicion on another person’s motive and sows intrigue and fear in others. Verbalizing your negative thinking contaminates those around you. It causes low morale and an air of distrust that affects relationships and productivity. Drop suspect altogether from your thoughts and speech. Stop judging, accept news and gestures at face value, and improve your interpersonal skills.

  5. Impossible

  That’s impossible; it has never been done.


  It’s impossible for me to work with [fill in person, task, or department].


  当你奋不顾身地提高了嗓门大喊一声“Impossible”时,一扇通往成功的大门砰地一声关上了。Impossible这个词集悲观与守旧两种负能量于一身,时时刻刻帮你绕开各种可能。想改变自己的小伙伴们,不如让你的话里多些possible,从“not possible”开始,到“could be possible(或许行)”,再到“Yes, it can be done!(是的,这可以做到!)” 你将会有不同的感受。

  Impossible combines the defeatism of won’t and the status quo of usually to firmly lock the door to new successes. The danger is in the passion you use when you say the word, often with a raised voice and a strong hand gesture. The stronger the feeling that is attached to a word, the surer and sooner it will manifest. As you continue to use impossible in your thoughts and words, you will notice less positive things happening in your life. From not confident, you could drop to outright fearful. Throw out impossible from your vocabulary. Shift to “not possible” and then to “could be possible” and finally to “Yes, it can be done!”

  6. Worried

  I’m worried about my presentation.


  I’m worried the client will not be satisfied.



  Worried is the reason people are not confident. Being worried comes from imagining a bad or worst case scenario. Its two components are (1) thinking ahead and (2) fearing a negative outcome. When you find yourself thinking ahead to the day of your presentation or project submission, summon a positive image of a supportive audience and an impressed client. Smile, hear the audience applauding, and feel the firm handshake of your happy client. If you are unable to imagine a positive image, then focus only on the present moment as you complete the project and prepare for the presentation.

  7. Confused

  I’m confused about my team leader’s work expectations.


  I’m confused if he wants to seriously continue this relationship.



  Sometimes, a confusing situation is to be blamed for the ambivalence of might and the defeatist attitude of won’t. If you don’t know what your work objective is, you won’t be able to take steps to get there. If you don’t know how you stand in a relationship, you won’t know how committed you can be. Get yourself out of the confusion to a place of clear understanding by speaking to your team leader or your significant other. Ask clear, direct questions. Explain you want to understand their expectations so you can act accordingly, from not confident to sure of yourself.

  8. Need

  I need to buy expensive suits before I go to any job interview.


  I need to be sure there is no risk of getting turned down before I ask her out.



  Need acts like a stalling tactic and a justification for failing. It’s also a dream stopper. It’s you setting up conditions—which are often unnecessary—for you to succeed. It’s better to try and fail, than to fail to try. The experience of engaging in an action or a relationship is far more important than the result. When you are not too attached to the results, you actually don’t need much to start.









