
时间:2023-06-13 12:20:47 晓怡 英语阅读 我要投稿
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  “In wilderness (荒野) is the preservation of the world.” This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism.The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection:whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.

  As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out,there is a strong appeal in images of the wild,the untouched;more than anything else,they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly.The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong,and the danger exploitation (开发) brings to such landscapes (景观) is real.Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans need—the rainforests,for example,store carbon in vast quantities.To Mr. Sauven,these “ecosystem services” far outweigh the gains from exploitation.

  Lee Lane,a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute,takes the opposing view.He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services,such as water conservation.But that is not,he argues,a reason to avoid all human presence,or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation.There are ever more people on the Earth,and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives,rather than merely struggle for survival.While the ways of using resources have improved,there is still a growing need for raw materials,and some wildernesses contain them in abundance.If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide,the argument goes,there is no further reason not to do so.Being untouched is not,in itself,a characteristic worth valuing above all others.

  I look forward to seeing these views taken further,and to their being challenged by the other participants.One challenge that suggests itself to me is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly.And there is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm.

  This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings,but also the guidance of reason.What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.

  【语篇解读】 荒野是否应该开发?仁者见仁,智者见智,两种观点针锋相对,莫衷一是。作者客观分析,冷静思考,期待着事态的发展。

  1.John Sauven holds that ________.

  A.many people value nature too much

  B.exploitation of wildernesses is harmful

  C.wildernesses provide humans with necessities

  D.the urge to develop the ecosystem services is strong

  答案 B [考查推理判断。第二段的最后一句提到John Sauven认为“生态系统服务”远比开发的利益重要,由此可推断他的观点是开发荒野有害。]

  2.What is the main idea of Para.3?

  A.The exploitation is necessary for the poor people.

  B.Wildernesses cannot guarantee better use of raw materials.

  C.Useful services of wildernesses are not the reason for no exploitation.

  D.All the characteristics concerning the exploitation should be treated equally.

  答案 C [考查主旨大意。本段第二、三句是对另外一种观点的概括,意思是荒野的有益服务不能作为不开发的理由。]

  3.What is the authors attitude towards this debate?

  A.Objective. B.Disapproving.

  C.Sceptical. D.Optimistic.

  答案 A [考查推理判断。作者在最后两段中并没有直接表明自己的观点,只是“客观”地进行叙述。]

  4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

  CP:Central Point P:Point Sp:Subpoint(次要点)


  答案 D [考查推理判断。文章第一段提出中心论点;第二、三两段分别阐述了两种不同的观点;第四段是作者自己的观点;最后一段是文章的结论。]

  维B 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)






  I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it,when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping.On the way out,I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitan,a __1__ rock of 3,300 feet straight up.I touched that giant rock and knew __2__ I wanted to climb it.That has been my lifes passion (钟爱) ever since—__3__ the rocks and mountains of Yosemite.Ive long made Yosemite my __4__.

  About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of __5__,like toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes,around the area.Its __6__ me why visitors started respecting the place __7__ and treated such a beautiful homelike place this way.#

  I tried __8__ trash (垃圾) myself,but the job was too big.I would __9__ an hour or two on the job,only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later.Finally,I got so __10__ it that I decided something had to change.

  As a rockclimbing guide,I knew __11__ about organizing any big event.But in 2004,together with some climbers,I set a date for a __12__.On that day,more than 300 people __13__.Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.It was amazing how much we were able to __14__.I couldnt believe the __15__ we made—the park looked clean!

  Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.In 2007 alone,2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and __16__ 132 miles of roadway.

  I often hear people __17__ about their surroundings.If you are one of them,I would say the only way to change things is by __18__ rather than complaining.We need to teach by __19__.You cant blame others __20__ you start with yourself.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章以第一人称的方式进行记叙和议论,主要讲述了作者在美国加州优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)进行环境保护的经历,表达了作者对这个国家公园的深爱之情。

  1.A.distant B.huge C.narrow D.loose

  答案 B [根据下文“3,300 feet straight up”和“I touched that giant rock...”,可以判断出El Capitan 是一块“巨大的(huge)”岩石。distant遥远的;huge巨大的;narrow狭窄的;loose松散的。B项符合题意。]

  2.A.immediately B.finally C.gradually D.recently

  答案 A [根据下文“That has been my lifes passion(钟爱)ever since...”,可以判断出作者非常钟爱这块岩石,因此“一触摸到那块岩石的时候,立即就有了想要爬的冲动”。immediately立即;finally最后;gradually逐渐地;recently最近。A项符合题意。]

  3.A.imagining B.painting C.describing D.climbing

  答案 D [根据上文语境尤其是2空后的关键信息词“climb”可以判断出作者最钟爱的事情是“爬”这个国家公园里的众多山峰。imagine想象;paint绘画;describe描绘;climb(攀)爬。D项符合题意。]

  4.A.garden B.home C.lab D.palace

  答案 B [根据上文中能够体现作者感情的关键信息词“fell in love with”“camping”“lifes passion”等以及下文第7空后面的“homelike”可以判断出作者对这个国家公园的钟爱之情已经达到了视其为“(自己的)家园”的程度。garden花园;home家园;lab实验室;palace宫殿。B项符合题意。]

  5.A.material B.resources C.waste D.goods

  答案 C [根据下文like后所列举的物品以及8空后的trash可以推断出作者目睹的是“很多的垃圾/废弃物”。material材料;resource资源;waste废弃物;goods货物。C项符合题意。]

  6.A.beyond B.against C.over D.within

  答案 A [根据下文“why...”从句的内容和表达的语气,可以判断出作者对人们如此不爱护这个公园的环境,反而任意破坏这里的环境的行为感到非常不理解。beyond sb为固定结构,常用来表示“某人不理解……”。A项符合题意。]

  7.A.more B.most C.less D.least

  答案 C [根据上文描述的乱扔各种垃圾的现象以及7空后面的“and treated such a beautiful homelike place this way”,可以判断出人们对这个公园“尊重/爱护得越来越少了”。more更多;most最多;less更少;least最少。C项符合题意。]

  8.A.throwing away B.picking up

  C.breaking down D.digging out

  答案 B [根据下文描述的“几周后我发现这片区域又被人们扔满了垃圾”,以及16空前面的picked up,trash等关键信息词可以判断出作者开始亲自“捡”垃圾。throw away扔掉;pick up捡起;break down分解;出故障;dig out挖掘出。B项符合题意。]

  9.A.kill B.save C.wait D.spend

  答案 D [根据本句语境“在这个工作上……一到两个小时”和关键信息词on可知考查固定结构spend some time on...表示“在……上花费……(时间)”。kill杀死,消磨;save挽救,节省;wait等待;spend花费。D项符合题意。]

  10.A.satisfied with B.delighted inC.tired of D.used to

  答案 C [根据上文描述的“几周之后发现又被人们扔满了垃圾”,可以判断出作者对此已经“心生厌倦”,故而决定“要变换一下方式”了。(get)satisfied with对……满意;(get)delighted in对……高兴;(get)tired of对……厌倦;(get)used to习惯于……。C项符合题意。]

  11.A.something B.anythingC.everything D.nothing

  答案 D [根据上文描述的原因“身为一个登山的向导”,以及后文“But in 2004...”中的关键信息词But表示转折语意可以判断出作者“对如何组织大型的活动毫无经验、一无所知”。something某些东西;anything任何东西;everything一切事物;nothing没有任何东西。D项符合题意。]

  12.A.clean up B.party C.picnic D.concert

  答案 A [根据下一段描述的“每年来自各地的志愿者都来参加清扫活动”,尤其是关键信息词clean up可以判断出12空处是作者联合其他的登山者定好了一个固定的“清扫活动”的日期。clean up清扫活动;party聚会;picnic野餐;concert音乐会。A项符合题意。]#

  13.A.dropped out B.showed up

  C.looked around D.called back

  答案 B [根据前后语境尤其是下一段所描述的众多志愿者加入此项清扫活动后的效果,可以推断出此处强调的是超过300人“到来/露面”。drop out脱离,辍学;show up出现,露面;look around环顾四周;call back喊回,叫回。B项符合题意。]

  14.A.demand B.receiveC.accomplish D.overcome

  答案 C [根据上文描述的清扫活动的效果“we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash”,可以判断出“我们所完成的任务令我们自己都感到惊讶”。demand要求;receive收到;accomplish完成;overcome克服。C项符合题意。]

  15.A.plan B.visit C.contact D.difference

  答案 D [上文描述了作者和众多志愿者参加清扫活动所取得的成绩,之前很多人乱扔垃圾导致很脏乱与现在清扫之后的清洁干净形成鲜明对比,据此可以判断出作者对“产生的变化/影响”深感惊讶和欣慰。故用make a /the difference构成固定结构表达此意。plan计划;visit游览;contact联系;difference变化,差别。D项符合题意。]

  16.A.crossed B.measured C.covered D.designed

  答案 C [根据上文提到的“In 2007 alone...”,以及生活常识可以判断出在2007年一年的时间里,作者和2 945名志愿者共行程132英里,捡了42 330磅垃圾。cross横穿过;measure测量;cover行走(路程);design设计。C项符合题意。]

  17.A.talk B.complain C.argue D.quarrel

  答案 B [根据下文18空后面的“rather than complaining”,可以判断出此处强调作者经常听到有人只是一味地“抱怨”周围环境糟糕。talk谈话;complain抱怨;argue争论;quarrel争吵。B项符合题意。]

  18.A.doing B.thinking C.questioning D.watching

  答案 A [根据上文所描述的作者亲身所做的事情以及20空后“you start with yourself”,可以判断出作者赞成的做法是“从自身做起而不是一味地抱怨”。do做;think思考;question质问;watch注视。A项符合题意。]

  19.A.method B.explanation C.example D.research

  答案 C [根据上下文所描述的作者赞成的“拿出行动而不要一味地抱怨”这一态度,可以推断出作者推崇的方法是teach by example“以身作则/亲身示范”。method方法;explanation解释;example例子,榜样;research调查。C项符合题意。]

  20.A.although B.if C.when D.unless

  答案 D [根据本段所描述的作者赞成的做法和态度,可以判断出作者最终要强调的是“不要去责备别人除非是先从(责备)你自己开始”,即从自我行动开始改变是最重要的,而不是只把注意力集中在别人的错误上。although尽管;if如果;when当……时候;unless除非。D项符合题意。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)






  Prince Charles yesterday promised to reduce the royal impact on the environment through sweeping changes to his personal lifestyle and official schedule.The prince will replace carbonheavy private jets and helicopters with scheduled flights and train services.

  The move came as Prince Charles urged business leaders to publish the environmental impact of their activities.He said,“Few accountants and business decisionmakers ask,‘How much of our critical natural resource is left? How many miles of polar ice cap has our business helped melt this year?By how many inches have we raised sea levels? How many species have we put at risk? How many homes will be flooded,how many people will die of thirst or starvation because of our activities?’ These are not comfortable questions,but,by God,they need to be asked.”

  He added,“At the moment these costs do not appear in anyones books.Yet they are real,they are incurred now and in a relatively short time,the damage being caused may be beyond remedy.” He said the world was “running up the_biggest_global_credit_card_debt in history,but with little or no thought for how the bill will ever be paid”.

  Flanked by the prime minister and business and community leaders at St James Palace,the prince said his new “accounting for sustainability” project would give consumers the power to choose products that caused less damage to the planet.

  Duchy Originals,the Princes food company,is taking steps to quantify how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas is emitted in growing,processing and distributing its products.

  The changes to the Princes travel arrangements announced yesterday are part of a wider review of the carbon footprint associated with activities at all three of his residences: Clarence House in London,Highgrove and Birkhall on the Balmoral estate,as well as the activities of his 21 personal and 105 fulltime staff.

  Measures include a review of electricity use,commuter and other staff travel and are intended to identify further reductions in carbon dioxide emissions.The review will report in June,when Clarence House will announce annual targets to reduce carbon emissions.


  incur vt.遭受 ②remedy n.补救 ③sustainability n.可持续性 ④commuter n.通勤者 flanked by两侧有

  长短句分析:Flanked by the prime minister and business and community leaders at St James Palace,the prince said his new “accounting for sustainability” project would give consumers the power to choose products that caused less damage to the planet.

  句法点睛:本句中,“Flanked by...”为过去分词短语作状语,said后面跟了宾语从句。在宾语从句中,that引导了定语从句,修饰products。


  【语篇解读】 英国的查尔斯王子准备为环保事业身体力行,改变自己的生活方式,以减少温室气体的排放。

  1.One of the moves Prince Charles will take to reduce the royal impact on the environment is ________.

  A.taking private jets that are not carbonheavy

  B.taking helicopters instead of private jets

  C.taking trains instead of scheduled flights

  D.taking scheduled flights instead of helicopters

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,查尔斯王子改变生活方式的途径是乘班机和火车,不再乘污染严重的喷气式飞机和直升机。]

  2.How does Prince Charles feel about business leaders in terms of environmental protection?

  A.Dissatisfied. B.Disappointed.

  C.Doubtful. D.Impatient.

  答案 A [推理判断题。从文章第二段查尔斯王子对商界一连串的发问可以看出他的不满。]

  3.Duchy Originals will ________ in response to Prince Charles calls.

  A.make as much green food as possible

  B.cut down on its electricity use

  C.figure out its greenhouse gas emission

  D.reduce its greenhouse gas emission

  答案 C [细节理解题。“Duchy Originals...is taking steps to quantify how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas is emitted...”中的quantify作动词用,意思是“量化”,同C项的figure out(计算出)意思接近,因此C项正确。]

  4.The underlined phrase “the biggest global credit card debt” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to ________.

  A.the great amount of waste produced by industry

  B.the great damage caused for the environment

  C.the great amount of debts of the royal family

  D.the high cost of industry in the producing process

  答案 B [词义猜测题。根据语境判断,此处短语指的是我们对环境的破坏,查尔斯王子把它形象地比喻成我们“对地球的最大欠账”。]

  维D 根据短文内容,从下框的A~F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。(每题2分,满分10分)

  A.What to see:Plants

  B.What the features of the preserve are

  C.What to see:Animals

  D.What the Conservancy is doing

  E.What the route around the preserve is

  F.How to get more information for your visit

  Moomomi Preserve Island of Molokai


  Moomomi Preserve is a last center of a major Hawaiian coastal ecosystem,a holdover from an ancient era.Strong and steady northeast trade winds shape the dunes(沙丘) of Moomomi,creating linear(线状的) dunes a mile long and hundreds of feet wide.At first glance,these dunes appear nearly barren.Yet within these vast communities of native grass and shrubs grow more rare coastal species than in any other single place in the main Hawaiian Islands.

  2.Nature Conservancy staff and volunteers lead a monthly hike through this beach preserve.An event schedule is available here.For more information on visiting this preserve,contact the Molokais field office at (808) 5535236 or email hike_molokai@tnc.org.

  3.The preserve harbours more than 22 native Hawaiian plant species,four of which are globally rare or endangered.These rare plants,like akoko and ena ena,grow very well in the dry,windy,saltsprayed environment.A number of the sunflower family,Tetramolopium rockii,can be found only at Moomomi.

  4.Moomomi Preserve is an important nesting site for the endangered green sea turtle.Deposits of bird bones show that the dunes were once home to at least 30 bird species,about onethird of which have since disappeared:the sea eagle,the flightless ibis,and the giant flightless duck,among others.The Hawaiian owl is one of the few native land birds that can still be observed regularly at Moomoni.Native shorebirds,like sanderlings and plovers,and seabirds,like the great frigate bird,can also be seen along the shoreline.

  5.Moomomi Preserve is managed in partnership with the State Department of Land & Natural Resources through the Natural Area Partnership Program.By protecting the dunes and beaches of Moomomi,the Conservancy is protecting native plants found nowhere else on the earth.It is also protecting habitat for the rare Hawaiian monk seals and seabirds like the Laysan albatross,in the hope that these species will once again settle down on Moomomis beaches.

  答案 1.B 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.D



  The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many. The deserts of the wor parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(not lived by people). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, pat them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.

  1. According to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of _______.

  A. clay

  B. rock

  C. sand

  D. stones

  2. The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being _______.

  A. brave

  B. cruel

  C. strange

  D. kind

  3. In the desert _______.

  A. it rains in spring only

  B. it rains for a short time every month

  C. there is some rain, but far from enough

  D. the rainfall is just enough for the plants

  4. People live _______.

  A. only inside the oases

  B. only outside the oases

  C. both inside and outside the oases

  D. in places with regular rainfalls

  5. From the passage we know that life _______.

  A. is hard in deserts

  B. is happy in deserts

  C. is impossible in deserts

  D. in deserts in much better now


  1. C。推理判断题。根据第1段第1、2句The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones(世界上的沙漠并非全都覆盖着沙。许多沙漠表面有岩石、泥土或小石子)世界上的沙漠并非全都覆盖着沙。许多沙漠表面有岩石、泥土或小石子可推知沙漠主要是由沙组成的。故答案为C。

  2. D。推理判断题。推断词义。根据文章最后一句No man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water由沙漠里没有人会拒绝给一个陌生人饭和水,可推断他们是很友好的(hospitable),故答案为D。

  3. C。推理判断题。根据第1段最后一句There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants可知沙漠有少量降水,但并不充足。故答案为C。

  4. C。推理判断题。根据第2段第2句People also live outside oases(绿洲)和第3段中they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit 可知人们有住在绿洲内的,也有住在绿洲外的。故答案为C。

  5. A。推理判断题。根据第3段The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place可知沙漠人住得不稳定;They usually live in tents住得不舒服;When there is no more food for their animals食物不充足。由此可推断沙漠生活的艰难。故答案为A。










高考英语阅读冲刺复习题 计划愿望08-13