
时间:2022-05-11 16:29:02 翻译资格 我要投稿
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  【原文1】 While there seems to be no consensus on the city's worst line, the ones mentioned most often in talks here and there were …


  【分析】本句的mentioned表示被动的意思,后面省略了施事者by peoplec.汉译时改成主动的说法,要加上“人们’’。


  【原文2】Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet,the impact is uneven.

  【分析】调整结构方面的问题是:有时把释义用到译文里以后 感到上下之间的关系不够明确,语气不太连贯,意思也就不很清楚。 遇到这种情况,可以分祈一下原文,是否通过上下文的照应把与这个词有关的某些词省略掉了。如果有省略,可以考虑补充上去。本句 the impact 指的是 the impact of the recession,从上面所说 reached every comer of the planet 来看它同时也含有 the impact on each comer of the planet的意思,因此加上“各地受到的”。如果只照字面译成“但其影响是不均勻的”,语气就不够连贯,意思也不很清楚.

  【译文】虽然这场经济衰退波及全球的每个角落,但各地受到 的影崎不尽相同.

  【原文 3】...They will be able to calculate in advance thousands of possible combinations through the electronic brains in order to find .the most suitable product.

  【分析】本句the most suitable product是通过与上面的联系带上了 from among thousands of possible combinations 的意思。因此可 以译成“从中找出最合适的产品'通过上下照应把“最合适”的范围明确了起来。

  【译文】……(他们)就可以利用电脑预先算出成千上万种可能 的排列组合,以便从中找出最合适的产品.

  【原文4】 The most significant of my final acts in the Mediterranean took place on Christmas Day, 1943.

  【分析】本句的主语应是The most significant one,由于后面有 of my final acts 而把 one 省略掉了。

  【译文】我在地中海战区最后的活动十最有意义的一件事发生 在1943年圣诞节.

  【原文5】their calculation seemed impossible,as the exact solution of the problems would have required the total working lives of several hundred mathematicians.

  【分析】本句中的the exact solution of the problems相当于if we were to achieve an exact solution of the problems,也就是说,它是一个含蓄条件从句变化而来的。


  【原文 6】He must regard himself as an economist,a commercial traveler,an advertising agent for his country.

  【分析】本句的an advertising agent与for his country之间显然 省去了一个-ing分词,这个分词是表示arguing, persuading这方面意 思的,但不写上也并不感到少了什么,因为介词for已经部分地起到 这个作用。在汉译时若照着字面译成“他必须把自己看做是……本国的一名广告商人”就不很清楚,加上个动词译成“为本国作宣传的 广告商人”就符合汉语表达习惯了。

  【译文】(大使)他必须把自己看做是经济学家、旅行推销员、为 本国作宣传的广告商人。

  【原文 7】 He has provided peacekeeping troops during crises in other African countries.

  【分析】本句 during crises in other African countries 在汉语中要表达为“在非洲其他国家发生危机时”,因为原文中的during就包含了在危机发生期间的意思。


  【原文8】We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959,

  【分析】英语的句子通常是按照句法规则顺序排列的,而汉语 的句子比较灵活,常常根据时间的顺序排列。本句译文就将“心情颇为沉重”放到了“读到这方面的消息”后,符合汉语的习惯。

  【译文】我们于1959年离开了 t国。此后,中国连续三年遭受自然灾害。当我们在国内读到这方面的消息时,心情颇为沉重。

  【原文9】 Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected: there is a “high-temperature belt” in the atmosphere, with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground.

  【分祈】 按照时间的次序,“这一奇异的事实已得到了证实”是 在“利用火箭加以研究以后”的以后,所以汉译时调整了句子的順序。


  【原文10】The government is determined to keep up the pressure whatever the cost if wi】l pay in the end.

  【分析】在英语中,条件、目的、让步状语从句可以放在主句前 面,也可以在后面,而汉译时,通常要放在主句的前面。











