
时间:2023-02-27 22:22:20 英语六级 我要投稿
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  Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic of sleepiness in the nation. “I can’t think of a single study that hasn’t found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to.” says Dr. David.

  The beginning of our sleep deficit crisis can be _1_ to the invention of the light bulb a century ago. From diary entries and other personal _2_ from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night. By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been reduced _3_ to between 7.5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. “People cheat on their sleep, and they don’t even _4_ they’re doing it,” says Dr. David. “They think they’re okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,8 or even more to feel ideally _5_.”

  Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researchers say, is the _6_ of the day. Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community mount, many people consider sleep the least _7_ item on the agenda. “In our society, you’re considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5 hours’ sleep. If you say you’ve got to get 8.5 hours, people think you lack _8_ and ambition.”

  To assess the _9_ of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them. “We’ve found that if you’re sleep-deprived, performance _10_,” says Dr. David. “Short-term memory is impaired, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.”

  A) consequences B) complexity C) ingenious D) dramatically

  E) suffers F) tracked G) realize H) expensive

  I) slightly J) traced K) detaches L) vigorous

  M) inspiration N) accounts O) drive


  1.[J]can be表明此处需填入名词、形容词或分词作表语,且能与介词to搭配。由句子主语The beginning of our sleep deficit crisis(初现睡眠不足)和宾语the invention of the light bulb a century ago(一世纪前发明了电灯),可知此处在探寻睡眠不足的原因。traced“追溯……的发展”可与to搭配,符合上下文语境。tracked表示“追踪,跟踪”时,是及物动词,故排除。

  2.[N]此处需填人personal所修饰的名词,与句中的diary entries(日记)并列,因此应该也是复数形式。Personal accounts指“个人叙述”,符合此处语境。

  3.[D]此处需填入副词,修饰谓语动词reduced。根据空格后between 7.5 and 8 hours,可知相比之前的9.5 hours,睡眠时间减少了很多,故选用dramatically“显著地”。

  4.[G]空格前出现否定助动词don’t,故此处需填入动词原形。上文说人们偷走了(cheat on)睡眠时间,空格前的even “甚至”表示递进关系,realize “意识到”符合句意,表示他们甚至都没有意识到这一点。


  6.[B] the…of结构表明此处需填入名词。由下文“来自工作、家庭、朋友及社会的压力”,可知填人的名词表消极含义,故complexily“错综复杂”符合句意,表示睡眠被无情夺走的原因是每天各种错综复杂的事务。



  9.[A] the... of结构表明此处需填入名词。由后文We’ve found that...可知,研究专家做试验的目的是为了知道睡眠不足的后果,consequences指不太好的后果,故为正确答案。

  10.[E]此处需填入谓语动词,由主语performance可知是第三人称单数形式。根据后文提到的Short-term memory is impaired(短期记忆受损)等,可知在sleep-deprived(睡眠不足)的情况下,行为应该会受到不良影响,故 suffers“受损害”符合语境。'

  The White House

  The white house has been the home of every united states president except george washington. Abigail adams was the first“ first lady”to move into the pennsylvania avenue mansion. she used to hang her family’s laundry in the unfinished east room . The white house was burned by the british during the war of 1812. Soon after, the house was rebuilt and painted white, and it has been known as the white house ever since.

  The white house is both a public house and a private home. Its character changes with each new president. Gas lighting was installed in 1848, but bathrooms were not added until thirty years later. By 1950 , the building was no longer safe to live in . The truman family moved out while repairs were made. Jacqueline kennedy developed the plan to decorate the white house as it is today.

  The 132 -room mansion is furnished with antiques, portraits of the presidents, and other art work.The president’s oval office and staff offices are on the ground floor. The state reception rooms are on the first floor. The second and third floors are where the president and his family live.

  The job of president is very demanding. Every minute of every day is planned. The president may start with a breakfast meeting with his cabinet, move on to the east room for a press conference, meet with a foreign ambassador in the blue room, then end the day at a dinner in the state dining room.

  The president and his family share their home with the public every morning. long lines stretch for blocks.They wait for a chance to see the nation’s most popular house, and possibly a glimpse of the president.


  Ⅰ.fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:

  1. he was known_______ a great novelist.

  2. my mother is known_______ her cooking.

  3. he’s known_______ everyone as a good actor.

  Ⅱ. answer the following questions:

  1. what happened to the white house during the war of 1812 ?

  2. how is the white house furnished?


  Ⅰ. 1.as 2 . for 3. to

  Ⅱ. 1.it was burned by the british. 2. it’s furnished with antiques, portraits of the presidents, and other artwork.

  The tree of language

  A world with out language it may be that when the world was young, no one knew how to talk. people had to learn to speak just like babies do. When no one knew how to tell, how did anyone learn? that is a mystery that remains unsolved even today.

  The stories behind words lunch lunch perhaps comes from an old spanish word lonje , a slab of1 ham. we may get our word from a lump of bread, but whether lunch comes from ham or bread, it meant a hunk of something to eat.

  Atlas an atlas is a strong man, and also a book of maps. The story of this word begins a long time ago in greece. The ancient greeks believed that their gods had once been a race of giants2 called titans. the titans fought with another group of gods called olympians, and the olympians won. atlas was a titan. He was punished for fighting be having to stand at the western end of the world, holding the sky on his head and hands, so that it would not fall on the world and smash everything.

  After the ancient greek religion died out, the idea of atlas changed. from holding up the sky with his head and hands, he came to be thought of as holding the world on his shoulders. Mercator3, a map maker of the sixteenth century, used a picture of atlas on the cover of a book of maps, so a book of maps came to be called an atlas.

  The word has still another meaning. the top bone of the neck is called atlas because it supports the head.

  Good-bye or good-by good-bye is a blessing; originally it was god be with ye, and in the course of time it became one word. many of our greetings are good wishes, but we say them with so little thought that we forget this. When we say good morning, good evening, good night, and so on, what we are really saying is,“ i hope you will have a good morning ( or evening, or night) . ”

  Daisy the daisy has a little golden eye , like a tiny sun . Perhaps this is the reason the english people named it day’s eye, or perhaps they chose the name because the english daisy closes at night. The english loved their daisies, which were pink and red, as well as 028 white. Six hundred years or so ago, the english poet chaucer4 said:

  the daisy, or else the eye of the day, //the queen, and prettiest flower of all


  Ⅰ.according to the passage , find the correct meanings of the words under lined :

  1.with an atlas, tom can find the place he wants to go easily.

  a.a strong man

  b.the top bone of the neck

  c.a book of maps

  d.a name of god

  2. when you say good-bye to your friend, what do you really mean?

  a. never see him / her again

  b. a good wish to express that god be with him / her

  c. good luck

  d.break up with him / her

  3. after a long vacation, he looks as fresh as a daisy like before.

  a. look like the flower

  b.a kind of drink

  c. a first-class man

  d.vigorous and lively

  Ⅱ. question :

  after reading this passage, what can you infer from the stories of the words?


  Ⅰ. 1. c 2 . b 3 . d

  Ⅱ. ( 略)

  Rather than using custom machine tools to build early models of new parts, Ford is now using 3-D printing technology to design and test its engineers’ latest ideas. The new method allows product developers to have a _1_ in their hands in as little as a week after they create a new design-compared with having to wait three to four months _2_.

  “We’re building more and more parts every day using this _3_,”says Harold Sears,a technical expert in rapid manufacturing at Ford’s design facility in Dearborn, Mich. Ford’s new hybrid transmission was developed on a 3-D printer that costs about $300,000 and which can turn a pile of aluminum powder into a working prototype in a day or two.

  While low-cost 3-D printing by consumers and small businesses looks like a market now ready for takeoff, large businesses have already _4_ advanced versions of the technology. The result has been a _5_ improvement in the product-development process across a wide range of industries, including the _6_ of cars, consumer electronics, safety equipment and medical devices.

  The process has done more than just save time and money. Engineers say rapid prototyping using 3-D printing is producing more _7_, higher-quality products—from custom-fitted bicycle helmets to better-sounding ear buds and loudspeakers.

  Instead of waiting for tools and parts to come back from outside machine shops or injection, molding houses, product developers on tight _8_ now get more hands-on time to test their models. 3-D printers allow them to test and _9_ more versions of their prototypes—in some cases tripling the number of duplicates of a new product that can be _10_ before being produced on a large scale.

  A)previously B) thereafter C) process D) elastic

  E) deadlines F) manufacturing G) significant H) innovative

  I)ignited J) embraced K) lubricate L) prototype

  M) refined N) update O) mechanisms


  1.[L]冠词a提示空格处应填入名词。该段概括介绍了 3-D打印这一新技术,首句指出运用新技术建造初期模型,第2句则补充说明该技术的优势。根据上下文和空格后的in their hands可推知,空格所需名词应与early models 同义,故选用 prototype

  2.[A]此处需填人副词,修饰have to wait...。根据本句内容可知,有了 3-D打印技术之后,等待模具的时间大大缩短,而不像“以前”要等3、4个月,可见此处应选用previously。

  3.[C] this提示此处应填入名词,且该名词在上文有具体所指。上文提到的主要内容是3-D打印这一“新技术”,此处的名词应该带有“技术”、“方法”等类似的意思,据此在名词库中选用process。

  4.[J]解答本题需先弄清advanced的词性。这里advanced是形容词“先进的”,用于修饰名词versions。因此空格处应填入过去分词与have already连用,充当句子谓语。词库中embraced“采用”符合语境,说明一些大企 业使用了这种技术。

  5.[G] a... improvement提示空格处应填人名词、形容词或分词作定语。根据后面提到的这一技术在各行业的应用,可知其影响重大,应选用包含积极意义的词汇。不定完词a提示不能选用innovative,词库中 significant符合句意。


  7.[H] more...和higher-quality并列作定语修饰products。本段仍然是讲3-D技术的优点,故推断空格是一个褒义词,innovative符合句意。

  8.[E]空格应填入名词,与on tight...构成介词短语,作后置定语修饰前面的product developers。空格前的tight“紧的”与后面的more hands-on time前后形成对比,由此可见3-D技术出现之前产品研发人员的时间紧迫,deadlines填入文中构成短语on tight deadlines,表示“时间紧迫,限期很短”,符合上下文语境。

  9.[N]空格前的and表明空格应该是和test并列的动词原形。根据其后所接的宾语more versions of their prototypes,选用update,意为“研发人员可以利用3-D打印技术不断测试和更新模具”。











