
时间:2023-01-22 10:28:10 公共英语 我要投稿
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  Americans travel by air in ( 1) the same way as Europeans and ( 2) travel by train. There are, in fact, not many railroad stations ( 3) in the USA, ( 4) the track (足迹,轨道,跟踪) is still being used, since most of America's freight (货运,运输) is still carried ( 5). As for passengers, there is a vast network (网状织物,网状系统) of airlines and airports in easy ( 6) of almost every American town. Airports, now the travel centers of the USA, ( 7) comfortable places ( 8) coffee shops and bars and clean restrooms.

  Flying in America is ( 9) expensive than in many other countries, (10) the government subsidized (补助) air fares. Yet the different airlines are not state-owned and compete (竞争,竞赛) with one another for passengers.

  Those who cannot (11) either train or plane take the Grey-hound (猎狗,卑鄙的人,骚扰) bus. (12) transport system (系统,制度) in the world carries so many passengers by night and by day. Drivers are (13) aid and have a wonderful safety record.

  Europeans tend (14) their cars. But Americans treat their cars (15) as vehicles which are important (16) their lives — to take them to work, to shopping (购物) places, to picnics or to their friends. (17) when they take a vacation they rarely (稀少地,难得地) drive long distances.

  There is (18) form of travel which is widely used in the USA, — the rented car. Every city and town (19) at least one car rented firm (公司), some of them are nationwide and have branches abroad (20).

  1.all more as much

  2.Japaneses the Japanese the Japan Japans

  3.kept remained left remaining

  4.for when although because

  5.by train on train in train with train

  6.reach grasp (抓紧,领会) master range

  7.is are have been has been

  8.beside by with have

  9.most more less least

  10.if because of when because

  11.offer take reach afford

  12.All None No Every

  13.more greatly highly wonderfully

  14.to love to loving to be loving loving

  15.really only actually usually

  16.for to with on

  17.Except Because Besides /

  18.other another the other some other

  19.has had have has have had

  20.other countries either also as well

  参考答案:1-10 DBCCA ABCCD 11-20 DCCAB BABCD


  The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available products or services.The second (31)___is to sell the product.The second purpose might be more important to the manufacturers than the (32) ___.The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products.They also try to persuade customers to buy the(33) ___by creating a desire(34) ___it.Because of advertisement,consumers think that they want something that they do not need.After buying somethin9,the purchaser cannot always explain why it was(35) ___.

  Even(36) ___—the purchaser probably does not know why he or she bought something,the manufacturers (37) ___.Manufacturers have analyzed the business of(38) ___and buyin9.They know all the different motives that influence a consumer’s purchase--some rational and(39) ___emotional.Furthermore,they take advantage of this(40) ___.

  Why(41) ___so many products displayed at the checkout counters in grocery stores? The store management has some good(42) ___.By the time the customer is(43) ___to pay for a purchase,he or she has already made rational,thought—out decisions(44) ___what he or she needs and wants to buy.The(45) ___feels that he or she has done a good job of choosing the items.The shopper is especially vulnerable at this point.The(46) ___of candy,chewing gum,and magazines are very attractive.They persuade the purchaser to buy something for emotional,not(47) ___motives.For example,the customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy.but while the customer is standing,waiting to pay money,he or she may suddenly decide to buy(48) ___.This is exactly(49) ___the store and the manufacturer hope that the customer will(50) ___.The customer follows his or her plan.


  31.purpose 【解析】从文中的第一句话“The most obvious purpose...”可以看出后面还有别的目的,而不是仅仅有最明显的目的。故答案为purpose。

  32.first 【解析】根据题意,作者想在这里做一个比较,而比较的对象是目的。这里作者仅仅给出了两个目的,所以这里是和第一个目的进行比较。故答案为first。

  33.production【解析】从前一句话“The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products.”可以看出,一方面广告要介绍自己的产品,而第二个目的就是卖掉自己的产品。所以这里作者想要表达的意思是“广告要使得顾客有一种购买的欲望去购买自己的产品。”故答案为production。

  34.for 【解析】解析见上题。desire后面用介词for。故答案为for,表示“…的欲望”。

  35.bought 【解析】本句的前一句话说“顾客认为他们需要一些他们其实不需要的商品。”这就是广告的作用。但是买完之后,“他们却不知道当时为什么买了这种商品。”这里是被动的句式。故答案为bought。

  36.though 【解析】本句话的意思是“尽管知道顾客们可能不知道自己为什么买了这些商品,但是卖家却知道怎么去做。”故答案为though。


  38.selling 【解析】关键是看and后面的buying。本句话的意思是“商家分析市场的供需情况。”故答案为selling。

  39.some 【解析】关键是注意and前后一致。“some rational and...emotional”,前面说促使顾客购买的动机有很多,有的是理性的,有的却是冲动。所以这里应该是some。故答案为some。


  41.are 【解析】分析句子结构,这里缺少系动词be来构成动词的被动形式。故答案为ale。

  42.reasons 【解析】本段的第一句话提出问题,问为什么在结算处摆设了那么多的商品。很明显,后面的文章对这个问题进行回答,并列举了原因。故答案为reasons。

  43.ready 【解析】顾客来到结算处,说明他们准备好了要付账。be ready to的意思是“准备好了做某事”。故答案为ready。

  44.on 【解析】“…的决定”英语表达为“decision on sth.”这里介词需要用on。故答案为on。

  45.customer 【解析】从这个句子的宾语“…that he or she has done a good job of choosing the items.”可以看出,这里说的是顾客的行为,他们认为自己买这些商品是很理性的。故答案为customer。

  46.display 【解析】这里要回应本段第一句话中的“displayed”。在出口结算处展示的这些小商品无疑是一种诱惑。这里需要用名词形式。故答案为display。


  When it comes to the issue of space research, people vary in their views. Some journalists or free lancers maintain that it is a waste of money. However, through decades of practice and observation, it proves that this comment has many limitations.

  Admittedly, the idea that space research is a waste of money does contain an element of truth. But the people who criticize the rising cost of space exploration tend to ignore two other essential aspects. To begin with, a nation can make the best use of its technology in space plans to serve the need of other countries. Therefore, the country in its space research can profit greatly from data exchange or rocket launching. In this sense, the financial return from the space plans will possibly far exceed the amount of the investment. What is more, through its space exploration, a nation can have more information about new material or the movement of heavenly bodies. All these results cannot be measured by money, but they are very important for the human beings.

  Given the reasons above, it is safe to conclude that a nation has to enhance its awareness that space research is important for the human beings. On the other hand, central authorities is obliged to take broad actions to encourage space study. Still, Federal Government is expected to set aside sufficient fund each year rather than reducing it. Only in this way can space research develop quickly and benefit human beings in the future.

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