
时间:2020-08-10 12:32:09 论文致谢 我要投稿





  Many people given invaluable supports while I was pursuing this research. This thesis couldnot have been completed without the help of my supervisor, students, friends and family, towhom even words fail to express my gratitude.

  ' First and foremost, I wish to deeply acknowledge my gratitude to Prof. Mrs Zhao, mysupervisor, whose invaluable and thoughtful comments,advice and encouragement helped metremendously throughout this study; without her guidance, this thesis could not have beencompleted successfully in appropriate time. My sincere and deep appreciation also goes to allthe professors and teachers,for their special guidance and helpful advices. Through theircourses I have learned a great deal during the period I stayed in the college.

  I would also like to express my sincere thanks to and my classmates and friends who havehelped me a great deal throughout my study. Special thanks go to the students and instructorsworking in the School of Tibetan Language and Culture in Northwest University forNationalities, who voluntarily participated in this survey. Without their supports andcooperation, the present thesis is impossible.

  Last but not least,I also owe a great deal to my family. In particular, I would like to givethe greatest thanks to my parents, who have contributed so many valuable instructions andequipped me with so many inspirations and encouragement for their support. It is to them, withmany thanks and much love, that I dedicate this thesis.


  This thesis could not have been accomplished without a great deal of help frommy supervisor, my teachers, friends and family members.

  First of all, my sincere thanks go to my supervisor who has offered me valuablesuggestions and kept patience for me for a long time.

  Secondly, I would like to thank all the staff at the School of Foreign Languageswho has taught me in the past two and a half years. During my graduate study, I havebroadened my mind and expanded my horizon as well as shaped a much careful,critical and practical attitude,which is especially important in research.

  Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to friends, classmates as well as myfamily members who have supported me at every stage of the writing of this thesis.


  When this experiential and intellectual projects comes to its finishing point, Iwould like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped me during theprocess of writing for their guidance, kindness and support.

  First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Professor Chai? whoread my draft with great patience and provided penetrating suggestions for revision. Ialso want to express my sincere gratitude to the professor who recommended manybooks and materials with regard to the genre theory and appraisal theory. I should thankall the teachers who have taught me in the previous two and a half year.

  I also would like to thank my classmates,to name just a few. I have received quitea lot of suggestions and encouragements from them, especially at the time when I felj^lost and depressed in the course of writing.

  Last but not least,my special thankfulness goes to my dear families for theirendless affection, constant understanding and support of my further study.


  There are many people to whom I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for theiracademic guidance and supervision, and their constant encouragements and supports duringthe two and a half years studying at ECUST.

  First and foremost, my deepest and sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor, ProfessorYan Jinglan. Without her patient instruction and enlightening suggestions, I would not havefinished this thesis on time. Thanks for her help in academic research, her loving care to me,her positive attitude toward life, and her proactive attitude in teaching, which has inspired,warmed, and encouraged me.

  I am also feel grateful to Prof. Shao Zhihong,Prof. Chen Li,Prof. Wang Zhiqin, andProf. Yang Huimin for their inspiring lectures, which throws light on my study.

  I would like to thank other teachers like Mr. Ming Pingzhi, my friend Mr. Xia Yangyang,who have given me valuable advice during my thesis writing.

  At last, I deeply feel indebted to my parents for their supporting in the past twenty twoyears.


  At the last press on the keyboard, I am so excited to finish the thesis,and at the sametime, I want to express my appreciation to lots of people without whom I couldn't make it intime.

  My wholehearted appreciation goes first to professor Huang Shufang,my supervisor, forher selfless and patient guidance to my graduate study in ECUST. My supervisor gives meabundant help both in the published essay and in my graduate thesis. I will never forget thedifficult time when I was in a loss to finish the thesis. It is my supervisor who keeps onencouraging me and looking for references for me. Without her generosity and patience tohelp and without her wide literature and critical knowledge,I cannot get through the graduatestudy. Besides,her personal charm and attitude have always been and will ever be anillumination instruction for my future life.

  Then I would like to extend my genuine thanks to my prestigious and edifying teachersof school of foreign languages in East China University of Science and Technology, ProfessorShao Zhihong,Professor Yu Yuguo,Professor Yan Jinglan,Professor Wang Jianguo,Professor Wang Zhiqin, Professor Chen Li and all the other responsible teachers andprofessors. Their classes,lectures and suggestions shed invaluable enlightenment on me andwill have great influence on my fiiture study.

  Finally,my sincere gratitude goes to my family and friends for their unweaving supportand understanding which encourages me to overcome academic struggle and support me tospend three years' life here. With the help of such selfless individuals, I am glad to dedicatemy heartfelt thanks to all of you.









