
时间:2023-03-29 03:17:54 英语毕业论文 我要投稿
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  学案,即导学方案(Guided learning plan),是教师根据学生实际、教材内容、教学设备及学生能力等实际情况,为学生编制的学习方案,是建立在教案基础上针对学生学习而开发的一种学习方案。“学案导学”教学模式具体包括“导学、导练、导评”。导学是指在教师的引导下、在学案的配合下的学生的学习过程;导练是指在教师的引导下、在学案的配合下的学生的练习过程;导评是指在教师的引导下、在学案的配合下的学生的自评和教师的点评过程。“学案导学”的教学模式的精髓是突出以学生为主体,强调课堂教学以学生的学和练为主,培养学生的自学能力和合作学习能力。


  在这一教学模式中,学生的学习活动是在教师和学案的引导之下开展的,没有教师和学案的引导,学生的学习会是盲目、乏味和低效的。学案在这种模式的课堂教学中是纲,是本。学案的设计,要求由浅入深,既要有基础知识的学习、归纳和总结,又要有知识的运用和能力训练。编写教学目标、练习和测评时要考虑分层要求,用星号标出。学案设计中问题的设置很重要,学生带着问题去解决问题,能充分发挥其主观能动性和探究性,培养其思维。问题的设置要有技巧性,比如,有的问题只要通过个人的努力就能解决,这样可以帮助学生增加成功感,树立学习英语的信心,培养自主学习的信念;有的问题是要通过相互讨论才能解决的,这样可以培养学生合作学习的精神;有的问题是要通过教师的帮助来解决的,这样可以吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的好奇感,保持学生的学习兴趣。《牛津高中英语》教材大都以一个单元为主题形成对话、课文阅读、词汇拓宽、语法知识学习、听力训练、写作训练、实践应用等模块。根据教材的特点和高中英语教学的重点以及学情,我们借助学案对教材进行整合,突出教学重点和难点。我们一般把学案编写的重点放在每一个模块的阅读教学和语法教学上,即Reading用两个课时,Grammar & Usage用两个课时,Project用两个课时。



  学习目标即课堂教学活动的预期结果或标准,也就是教学活动后学生行为和特征的预期结果和变化,它对具体的学习行为起导向、引领作用,是教学评价的标准和依据。没有目标的学习是无序的,也是无效的。学习目标的制定有四条原则:(1)整体性。即目标定位要全面,包含知识技能、学习策略和情感态度等。(2)主体性。即要突出学生为主体,从学生的角度出发,体现以学生为“本”。(3)可操作性。要具体,可操作性强,要精确、标准、具体和规范。(4)层次性。目标制定要分层,不同班级、同一班级的不同学生,在知识结构、理解能力、经验和经历存在差异,要考虑到这些不同层次的学生的需求,要有针对全体学生基础的目标,也要有针对部分能力较强的学生的高层次目标。教学内容标注星号(★),以供学生自由选择,以便尊重差异,因材施教。下面以《牛津高中英语》M6 U3 Reading(1)为例(以下都是以《牛津高中英语》教材为例)进行说明:

  You are expected to:

  (1)Gain some information about the cultures of different countries and★learn to communicate cross-culturally.

  (2)Understand examples used in the text and use this skin in practice.

  (3)Learn how to learn by yourself,together with others and★in an exploring way.


  前置性训练即教师在集体备课中,首先考虑到学生学习新知识应具备的知识基础、技能经验和心理品质,考虑学情,从学生的实际情况出发。一般要求教师在教授新课之前,必须给予必备知识回顾或相应的技能训练,以期望学生能尽快地进入新学内容的学习活动。前置性训练的设计应该从学生已学的知识入手,通过练习激活学生已有的知识,为进一步的学习做好铺垫。如M6 U3 Reading(1)介绍了“Different countries have different cultures and customs.”,可设计如下前置性训练:

  A.Different countries have different ways of greeting.Please match the different ways of greetings with the countries:

  B. Choose the best answers.

  (1)In English-speaking countries, there aresome formal greetings, such as________.

  A. "Hi", "Hello"

  B. "Hi, what's up?"

  C. "How are you?" "How do you do?"

  D. "Have you had your breakfast/lunch/dinner?"

  (2)Which of the following is NOT the usual customs of the USA?

  A. Bargaining. B. Tipping.

  C. Using knives and forks while eating.

  D. Sending a small gift to the host after dinner.

  (3)Which of the following is NOT a British custom?

  A. "Ladies first."

  B. Talking about the weather.

  C. Tipping.

  D. Jumping the queue.

  (4)Making jokes about the bride and the groom is a wedding tradition in________.

  A. England

  B. both France and Germany

  C. the USA

  D. both Greece and Italy

  (5)There are three things that the British seldom or never do. They are________.

  A. giving tips, asking a woman her age and jumping the queue

  B. betting, drinking and tipping

  C. jumping the queue, asking a woman her age and bargaining

  D. bargaining, tipping and betting


  知识梳理即学生对知识细节的深刻理解,对知识进行细致入微的分析。在梳理知识的过程中,学生的基础知识就会一步一步地积累,学生的自主学习能力和合作学习能力就会得到培养和提高。知识梳理要以考纲为依据,突出知识重点和难点,扫除知识盲点。知识梳理要遵循“悟、导、练”的原则,切忌以文本的形式对知识进行罗列。如M6 U3Reading(1):

  Part A Skimming and scanning:

  Read the text fast and do Part A on page 34 and C 1&C 2 on page 36.

  Part B Careful reading:

  Read the passage carefully and fill the table.


  形成性测试即在学生学习完新课内容后,检查学生的学习目标和教师的教学目标是否实现,这个环节一是给学生演练的机会,二是对教与学中存在的问题进行诊断,为下一个矫正环节打下基础,以提高课堂教学的针对性和有效性。如M6 U3 Reading(1):

  Choose the best answers according to the text.

  (1)The example "Our American teacher is always talking about Thanksgiving...

  The British teachers didn't know what he was talking about..." is used________

  A. to support the argument that there are differences as well as similarities between West weddings

  B. to explain the concept of cultural differences between English speakers from different countries

  C. to tell an interesting story about cultural misunderstanding

  D. to make the chatting interesting and lasting

  (2)What does the underlined word in the sentence "Today I would like to talk to you guys and try to some more information about cultural differences because I have to do a piece of homework on cultural differences." mean?

  A. share B. demand

  C. collect D. present

  (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Native English teachers have few differences in culture because they speak the same language.

  B. The British teachers didn't know why Thanksgiving was celebrated.

  C. It's impolite to open a present when someone gives you one in the West.

  D. People in the West like to open a present when someone gives you one in that they are desperate to see what the present is.

  (4)Which of the following is UNTRUE according to the passage?

  A. In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds.

  B. In Italy, the newly-weds are expect to give their guests presents as a souvenir to remember the big day.

  C. In China, people always have a huge banquet to celebrate weddings.

  D. Men and women sit in different areas in a wedding reception in Brunei.

  ★(5)We can infer from the passage ________.

  A. people in Brunei like to point with their first finger

  B. you don't need to take off your shoes if you go inside someone's house in China

  C. if you go to Brunei, you shouldn't wear yellow

  D. you will behave more properly and stay more comfortably in another country if you know its cultural differences


  后续性矫正即教师对学生在形成性测试的解答中出现的个性或共性的问题进行评价、矫正和总结,进一步扫除知识的盲点,在学生认知和体验的基础上,使学生对所学知识从感性认识上升到理性认识的高度,从而完成课堂教与学的完美结合和动态生成。如M6 U3 Reading(1):

  Reading comprehension

  When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are un-avoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.

  Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as does a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.

  69. In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz as an example to________.

  A. compare it with rock music

  B. show music identifies a society

  C. introduce American musical traditions

  D. prove music influences people's lifestyles















